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    Cleveland Parachute Center
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  1. Say hi to Dave And Mike.. The were just at our Boogie in Cleveland (CPC) Cool guys....
  2. Well I don't have enough experience in skydiving to tell you but I have had similar problems with flight students. (one poor guy upchucked every lesson for like 15 lessons) He eventually bought one of those little electric pulse wrist bands. Seemed to work also I know that over time your body naturally becomes more accustomed to the motions. So it will prob get better with time but try that wristband thing it help my student out a lot.
  3. I guess it was only a matter of time u fly the plane long enouf and u want to jump out of it. So here i am a poor pilot/flight instructor/jump pilot. How do i get my Skydiveing rateings with the most value possible? AFF statice? I have one tandom under my belt allrady? I know everyone has an oppinion on this one...how did you do it?
  4. Hey jump pilot who caught the skydiveing bug. Any AFF inst. out there that need any pilot rateings. I own a flight school in NE ohio and out own aircraft. Maybe we can help eachother out. Save both of us some money Brandon@learntoflyoh.com