I know this is past due but here it is. I just signed up to post this.
I have known Sara for about 12 years... the last time I saw her was in KFC where she and her friend threw potato wedges at me to get my attention. I always remembered how outgoing she was and how she could make anyone smile. I never ever remember a time being mad at her or even sad around her, she just had this thing about her that would cheer you up in an instant. I will always remember her signing my spirit tags (and i still have them) in high school or sending me little Star Wars Valentine Day Cards on Valentines day... She had the most unique style as well, i mean who else would wear bowling shoes to school, or make their regular old jeans into bell bottoms with some really snazzy colored material they found lying around the house?
I recently found a picture of me, Ange and Sara in my yearbook and underneath it had a caption... well more like an inside joke. That immediately put a smile on my face.
It is such a sad loss... if anyone met her just even once they would know what I am talking about.
So here I am now interested in skydiving. Maybe one day I will gather the courage and jump just to feel what Sara felt when she did it.
I will always miss her.