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  1. 460- You're movin on up . . to the front range . . . ? that would be very cool indeed. What happend with Rice? throw me a message I think you still have my e-mail? We could use a devoted and experienced tower jumper out here, plus I've got a couple other interesting objects that I can't pay "my friends" to do with me, but I know you're up for the good stuff. this week at least, its probably hotter out here than in Houston, though still a little dryer. kickback jack DT "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  2. Nice one Bro! Its not only the cover but a half dozen plus world class shots in the article inside. Great Job Spankster! Thats 'The Wisdom' on the cover Calvin. The article by our good friend JJ is typically over the top, JEff doesn't let little things like the facts get in the way of a good story. Nevertheless, the general gist is spot on, especially the antics, the self effacing and REAL attitude, and the prowess. How does Hank do it all? "A steady diet of chinese food and porn, once a week!" yeaah baby! guess i need more chinese xxxx in my diet! DT "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  3. Solo d-bag, no problem just use some jeans! Maybe Spacey Tracy will throw in his two cents re solo D-bagging waaay back in the day in tejas. He would use an old pair of jeans as the D-bag, attaching the rubber bands to the belt lops for line stowage and packing the canopy into the ass-trunk of the jeans. I think he would sew across the bottom of the legs to make the d-bag proper closed, but would leave the blue jean legs attached so that he could tie them around something on the little towers he was lopping off solo somewhere in S. texas at the time. He had some HILARIOUS stories about these episodes and some related epics, the details of which I forget, maybe he'll chime in here, nevertheless, he claimed it to be a solid technique that he used for years. It makes sense. DT "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  4. Nice un Chris! so what diod you do for your sons? "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  5. DrThrill

    The Big Easy

    Looks like I'm heading to New Orleans end of April for Jazz fest. I've spent some time in NO in the past so I know some sites (if they are still there?), but I wanted to inquire if there are any local jumpers there anymore, or if other jumpers might be around at that time? PM me por favor. Thanks. Wayne "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  6. I reccommend being VERY careful with Mefloquine (alson known by the trade name Larium) This Malaria prophalyxis came out on the market about 1990, and was first used regularly with american soldiers in the first gulf war. I don't know much about that but I do know it has been implicated in the high levels of "gulf war syndrome" reported from that interaction. What I do know from taking larium for a long term research project in Papua new guinea 1991, is that there are very high rates of mild-severe allergic reactions to this medication. I suffered from the most common "mild" maladies which included severe rash, fever, nausea, and horrible halucinogenic nightmares and "daydreams". It did not seem very "mild" at the time. Severe reactions include anaphaltic shock and death, alas they are NOT very common. You'll know if you're allergic as you will develop symptoms approximately a week after begining the series. Nevertheless, IF you are only gong to Kuala Lumpur you really don't need a malaria prophalyxis, just avoid mosquito bites by using repellent with >90% DEET and use it liberally. Avoiding mosquito bites will prevent exposure to mosquito transimitted diseases such as Malaria, Yellow fever (NOT present in SE asia), Dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, and many others. The Yellow fever Vaccine is readily available and inexpensive, and is one of the safest and most effective vaccines ever produced. I recommend you get it if you regularly travel in tropical areas outside SE asia. The existing Japanese encephalitis vaccines liscensed in the US and Eurpoe are not very good at all (the Chinese live-attenuated JEV vaccine is quite good). There are no currently available vaccines for Malaria or dengue . . . more than most will care to know . . . wdc "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  7. Just the lil, itty bitty ones Jen, we know how you love to pet and feed them right? I mean they're so small, what could possibly go worng eh? wdc "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  8. Apex base makes a special rig, the dpx that not only functions as a completely normal base rig but also expands in the back panel so one can carry quite a bit of gear with you. It is an evolutionary offspring of an older Moe Viletto design, then the BR Parapak. The dpx comes in two sizes, I can only speak for the smaller one, but I can easily carry one 60m rope and an entire rack of trad gear, climbing shoes, etc etc. I guess they do not regularly sell this conatainer (yet?) but should be soon, and it might still be available/made for special requests. http://www.apexbase.com/portal/commerce.asp?CatId=71&ProdId=ParaPak2 Wayne "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  9. Great news! That rocks, literally, congrats Valery! "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  10. Not quite the same but there was a serious injury in a demonstration jump from the space needle in Seattle in about 1997. This was a demo jump with 4 jumpers if I remember correctly, I beleive it was organized by Steve Mullholland (RIP). And I beleive that is was a woman who injured here leg and [put an end to the jumps, but I forget the details. Then there was the bungee jump practice in the superdome where the jumper impacted the gound and died during practice. I only mention that becuase it put the kaibash on the base jumps that were scheduled for that year (maybe 2001?) wdc "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  11. To quote some infamous garage girrrrlz, "she's got so much clit, she don't need no balls!" since I believe two of those jumpers most certainly didn't have balls! "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  12. my choice is definately Eric Rhyde, the man, the myth, the legend!!! "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  13. Hey Todd, PM me, I knew Steve quite well and jumped a number of sites with him in the mid-late 90's, some in your area. He also told me about many other jumps he made in the Seattle area. wayne "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  14. DrThrill

    KL stories?

    Brandy do you currently have e-mail access? please drop me a line when you can? W "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"
  15. Hello- Might anyone have any recommendations for fun places to visit-romantic beaches etc for my girlfriend and I to spend some time post-jumping in early sept? Thank you in advance Wayne "If you are not a part of the Solution, you are a part of the Precipitate"