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Everything posted by blewaway5

  1. Well, I've always heard that humor is actually a really good way to get a point across, something about it seeming a lot less preachy.... Truman Sparks for President
  2. Glad you guys laughed
  3. CrazyIvan, AggieDave and happythoughts wake up Sunday morning after a particular rowdy night of partying at the DZ. As they sit there drinking their coffee/Red Bulls they try to piece their evening back together. CrazyIvan says, "Man, last night was so wild I blew chunks half way through and then kept on partying." AggieDave says, "That's nothing, I went to go sleep it off in my truck and I accidentally kicked it out of gear and it rolled down into the swoop pond. That really ugly fat woman who lives just off the airport came over to see if every thing was ok and I ended up sleeping with her." happythoughts shakes his head sadly and says, "The last thing I remember was that hot new girl inviting me into her tent. Whatever happened it's all a blur still, but when I woke up we were both naked and I noticed she's hung even bigger than I am." At this point in the conversation CrazyIvan pipes up again. He has this really pained look on his face as he says, "Guys, you don't understand, Chunks is my dog." Sorry guys, couldn't resist.
  4. No, but we've got an old coke machine we tend to keep nice and stocked. Truman Sparks for President
  5. Holy Crap!! I usually like dogs, too. Truman Sparks for President
  6. On April 7, 1972, a United Airlines 727 from Newark, NJ, to Los Angeles, CA with a stop over in Denver CO was hijacked by Richard McCoy. He demanded 4 parachutes and $500,000. The hijacked plane landed in San Francisco. It was refueled, passengers released and the demands met. It took off and flew to 16,000 ft on a specific heading that took the plane over several Utah cities. After the last city had been over flown a stewardess went back to check on the hijacker. He had bailed out. The plane diverted to Salt Lake City. A friend of McCoy turned him in because McCoy had bragged about a fool-proof method of hijacking a plane. Fingerprints were matched to items the hijacker touched on the airplane. FBI agents also found $499,970 in his home. McCoy was an active jumper, helicopter pilot and member of the Utah National Guard. He was convicted of air piracy and sentenced to 45 years. source: Geronimo Parachute History Newsletter Truman Sparks for President
  7. Hahaha, that actually ended a lot sweeter and cleaner than I thought it was. Truman Sparks for President
  8. After having suffered through all of this thread I have to say this....RevJim, I found your review to be highly accurate. It's not every day I agree with the critics, but you sir nailed this one. Oh, one other thing. I'm not sure exactly what your problem with skydiving is, stylin, but if it's the fact that we like our participants to be highly trained I'm forced to come across as rude and say please go away. Maybe you're one of the worlds greatest surfers, I don't have a clue about surfing. From what I've heard about it the north shore is supposed to be a bad-ass place to surf, frought with peril if you screw up but full of fun rewards if you can handle it. A person could die there is what I've always heard. Would you, being a world class surfer, encourage me to hang out there and surf with you on a regular basis? I'm thinking no. In skydiving every jump is like that. There are no bunny slopes in skydiving, no small waves. If we wipe out we're royally screwed with nothing left to do but hope our friends don't miss us too badly. That's a big part of why everyone will keep on trying to get you to advance up the progression if you keep comeing back. Truman Sparks for President
  9. uh....ok Machine in ad Truman Sparks for President
  10. I don't speak up in these types of threads very often, but this one has struck me as worth saying something in. First of all, Slappie, excellent post, nothing like a quote that makes you think about things that deserve thinking on. Second, as far as Americans being buried in French cemetaries, I personally don't think that's something that should even begun to be debated, much less debated in the same breath as any discussion on this current situation. What those thousands of brave men did in WWII was something amazing. Freshen up on it, go read a book, hell, watch a movie if you don't like to read, that's still better than nothing. After doing that can you honestly begin to drag soldiers who died in Europe in WWII into any debate you're having now about Frances position? I'm sorry, but that's wrong. So France has a political disagreement with the US as to whether or not we should be at war. We're still friends, people. I know that there've been times when I told my buddies I had their back as long as they didn't abuse that and go pick a fight with someone just so they could have me jump in, that if they did that I'd let them get their ass kicked. That's not quite the same, but my point is this, even friends disagree, so maybe we should quit the trash talking and get back to understanding the other guys point of view. At the very least we shouldn't dare bring something as sacred as our fallen heroes into this debate, shouldn't dare suggest that perhaps they shouldn't be there now. To do that cheapens what they did. Don't do that, please. Truman Sparks for President
  11. Oh, I used make spaghetti a lot. Noodles, sauce, not more than 5 bucks total and you get enough to make a weeks worth of food. Every now and then I'd splurge and get a loaf of french bread and some mozzerella and melt that up in the oven. Made me feel like a king
  12. For clicky just use that little 'url' button when you type your post. This treasure and more can be found up in the FAQ section (top right). Enjoy Truman Sparks for President
  13. First to Billvon--Brin is excellent, I remember reading Sundiver for the first time in a lit class I took in college. Actualy I think it was philosophy and lit, or something like that. Anyway, good choice. Now on to you, Bythch. The Foundation series kicks ass. Those are well crafted stories that span an awesome stretch of time. Asimov was awesome, and he was definitely at the top of his game in those books. Ok, as for my opinion I have to admit this probably doesn't fit in with the true Science Fiction, but it should be included in any group of worthwhile reads, and that would be Ray Bradbury. I mean come on, Farenhight 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Illustrated Man, October Country, the man could, and still can, write magnificently. Edit to add Philip K. Dick to the list. He's another really good writer to look into. Truman Sparks for President
  14. That's not too bad, but you didn't do quite enough with "fuck for me to whip out this line..."Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word." I will, however raise it up to a 9.5 just cause I'm feeling a bit generous all the sudden. Truman Sparks for President
  15. Let's see, blunt, to the point, a little lacking in the grace departtment but you more than make up for that with the natural ability to get right to the heart of the issue. Me, I give it a 9.2. Now, if you'd bribed me with beer or boobs, you may have got a perfect score Truman Sparks for President
  16. I just thought I'd throw a reminder up here to, uh, well, to remind you all that there's this kick ass site that's been around for quite a while now, and it does a really good thing without paying much attention to petty little things like borders. If you can spare the free 20 seconds do someone a favor and go click already. I promise, it'll be worth the 2 calories you burn by clicking the mouse button, so just do it already!! The Hunger Site Truman Sparks for President
  17. Uh, didn't look too close so this could be way off from what you're after, but you may try looking here. Truman Sparks for President
  18. Well, I don't really like light beer period, but out of the two you listed I've got to go with Miller Light's the worst. Of course, it does beat Beast Lite. That stuff's nasty!! Truman Sparks for President
  19. Hahaha, well, as my final post for the afternoon I'll say this....I'll either be passed out or on here posting incomprehensible things later this evening, and I'll let you all know how many of those 22 beers I get to consume
  20. Woohoo!! I got me a Sebazz conversion! Thanks for your new vote, sir, it came at the appropriate time for my 20 minutea have now expired and I will now be departing for parts that are fairly well known. For all you who voted to encourage me, I'll drink a beer for you Adding stuff here: that's 21 beers, well, 22 cause I get to change Sebazz's vote now. Wow am I gonna be feeling good! Truman Sparks for President
  21. First to answer you, Sebazz, tonight will most likely be start early end fairly early sort of deal. Second, to answer you peppermint. Other atlernatives involve sitting on my ass watching tv, sitting on my ass reading a rather good book called Blind Man's Bluff about cold war us submarine espionage that I've read twice before, sitting on my ass trying to call random people and see what they are up to, or, lastly, just plain sitting on my ass. Truman Sparks for President
  22. Thank goodness all I have to do tomorrow is start remodeling the parents kitchen. Not a big thing, really, nice easy work. Does that have any bearing on your vote? Truman Sparks for President
  23. Rev, my faith has just been shaken by that vote for alchie. I want to party, I really do, but if there are people out there who would advise against it.....*sigh, shaking head* will I find the faith to go on? Truman Sparks for President
  24. Viking, Lummy, your advice is so appreciated. I'm still weighing my options here, but I'll take your views into serious consideration. Ok, the b.s.-free answer is I'm sitting here trying to type and put my shoes on at the same time, but I suppose there's always a chance that in the next 15 minutes someone will vote and convince me to stay in.
  25. To drink now or not to drink now, that is my question, and I've got 20 minutes until I'm supposed to go hook up with the guys if I decide to go. What do I do?!?! Truman Sparks for President