www.deadmanboogie.com Read line 15!
Here is the scoop, Its True that SDH is having a boogie this weekend! I did not believe this myself, until i drove up to SDH and saw everyone pitching in to clean up the place.
As I observed eight funjumpers cutting and weedeating the grass, I knew that this could be done. "Benifial" walked up to me and threw me two things. One was a ice cold beer, and the second was keys to a tractor.
I had no choice but to run back to my truck for a coozie and then cut the east end of the airport. As I was cutting grass and sipping my shiner, it hit me. There are no staphers helping clean this place up, its all Waller fun jumpers. These funjumpers are going to pull this out off. I then wanted to help more. We cut 55 acres of knee deep grass to 3 inches in one day.
As we sat at the picnic table talking about the events, I began to think that this was, to good to be true.
1. No Boogie Fee!
2. Free hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch (Saturday)
3. We have plenty of Fuel
4. The Super Otter will fly multiple hot loads
5. Texas Holdem on Friday night
6. Two Fat Hogs will be cooked up by madmax and others FREE!
7. Two powered parachutes, $40 jump ticket to 3500ft
8. Flocking Jumps with Jenn
9. Bigways with Larry Henson
10. A band that does not suck to play on Saturday night and Free Kegs' of Beer
11. Blue Skies predicted
12. Swoop and Chug!
13. CRW Dogs are back for fun!
14. Kip went to Spaceland!
15. THEY GOT A FREAKEN HELICOPTOR!! That is something Skyfest has said and undelivered for years! 40$ jump ticket all day Saturday.
This is where i trained and I love the place and the people. I must endorse this boogie! It is being done by the right people for you, the fun jumpers! Come on OUT. Todd Bell
1-15 is all CONFIRMED! www.skydivehouston.com