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    Sky Dive San Diego
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  1. Hi! I jump at Skydive San Diego and I love it there! My boyfriend, friend, and I have all graduated from our AFF recently and the staff and other skydivers are all great and really supportive. It's a smaller drop zone, but I like the environment and you can't beat the view (the ocean, coronado, down town sandiego, and Otay Lakes (the drop zone is on the edge of the lake). As far as having all of your training and getting your liscense at the same place, I am not sure what the best plan is. I have only jumped at Sky Dive San Diego because I was learning so many new things in skydiving that I didn't want to throw an unknown dropzone into the mix, but I'm sure more experienced skydivers can give you info on that.
  2. Thank you both for the advice. I will definitely wait and buy gear that is more appropriate rather than having it sit in my closet.. and you're right i would be tempted to jump it too soon. Thanks
  3. Hi, I just got off student status and did my first 2 solo jumps last weekend (it was awesome). I am jumping a 190 right now but am looking to buy a rig/complete system that I will eventually "grow into" I am a smallish girl (5'5" 114lbs) so I am having difficulty finding a used rig. One of the girls at my DZ is selling her complete system and I would like to get opinions on whether or not it is a good deal.. I don't know much about how much used gear goes for. She posted the listing on the classified here:Mirage G3 MOS w/Sabre2-120 for small person!! Everything is from 2003 and she is selling it for $4200. Any opinions? I wouldn't be able to jump this rig for quite some time, so I only want to make this future investment if it's a good deal. Thanks!!
  4. Just to clarify because I was also there as my friend was making her first AFF jump as well and I was watching out for her. It was a little hectic that day because there were fewer instructors than usual and it was raining periodically. Due to this, I think some of the students did not get as much personal attention as they would have normally. The student mentioned above, was wearing his sunglassess so when another skydiver noticed that, he suggested he get some goggles instead (the student was grateful). I am sure one of the instructors would have noticed he had sunglasses before he got on the airplane, as they do several safety checks, it was just a comment that things weren't running as smoothly as in the past.. I'm sure it's just "growing pains".