Kia Ora!
I am currently traveling NZ on a motorcycle, and i love skydiving. I am looking for opportunites to work on a dropzone to work for my AFF license or jumps! If any operators or jumpers know where i can do so in the South(as that is where i am at the moment do drop me an email @ or text at 0226735970), please do lemme know!
Thank you for your time in advance!
Jimmy Peeple of ze wurl, relax!
my brother put the idea of skydiving into my head over a couple of drinks. He had been dreaming of doing it for ages. I searched out a DZ and got things going! Mainly, i did it for my 20th birthday, AFF 1, am hooked. Working real hard to get the cash to finish up my AFF course! Peeple of ze wurl, relax!