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Everything posted by Lucky123

  1. I was out there for Memorial Day weekend and had a blast! I'll be coming out for Labor Day weekend but I'll only be there on Friday - I'd love to make my first night jump! I'm going to Glacier National Park for the weekend after that. woohoooooooo Look forward to seeing everyone again.
  2. Thanks for posting the video I enjoyed watching it! The rig looks really nice. Hats off to the manufacturer's
  3. Thanks If anyone wants a full res image just shoot me a PM of the image number and I'll e-mail it to you for free.
  4. Here is a link to the pics I took at the boogie.[url]
  5. I'll be flying in Friday morning! Millertime24 was kind enough to give me a ride from the airport.
  6. No jumping for 2 weeks? What happened?
  7. men who play the flute can be mocked and should be
  8. Standing up my landings is important to me becuase I have a bad back. Out of my 93 jumps I have stood up all but 2 of them.
  9. Video of his jump on the below link
  10. I was planning on taking out the bad landings but figured maybe it would help to see what was going wrong If anyone wants any of the full size images just PM me your e-mail address and the image # and I will e-mail them directly to you.
  11. Here is a link to some pics I took from the ground.
  12. Even after drinking until 3:00 am Sunday night?
  13. I get in on Friday but won't get there until Friday night or Sat morning? I was hoping to have my brother come out so we could jump together for the first time but he is busy working at Harberview ER in Seattle . My brother in law is stationed at Fairchild and is kind enough to let me use his Jeep. I will be camping there.
  14. Yes I wonder what that will feel like? I can't wait to see
  15. I bought a plane ticket this morning! This will be my first boogie! I'll bring the beer!
  16. Makes total sense to me - wish something like that was around when I was getting started
  17. I think I heard someone say we get 300 days a year of blue skies here in Colorado which makes it a great place to jump and don't forget about skiing/snowboarding in the winter and camping in the summer.