I am stuck on AFF VI. My instructors tell me I have a great exit, I 'm stable when I don't try to turn, I always pull on time, I have great canopy control, and my landings are excellent. But for some reason, I always spin to the left when I try to turn 90 degrees. I try to stop my spin by turning to the right so I look over my right shoulder, but I still ALWAYS slowly spin left. I am getting a little discouraged! I've failed this level twice. My ego hurts as well as my pocket book! The nearest wind tunnel is about a 6 hour drive away, or I would go there. I did a search on this question and the common themes seem to be "listen to your instructor" and "relax." I've had two different instructors. One told me it was because my arms weren't 90 degrees, the other said it was my legs were too far apart and I'm a little stiff. Maybe both are right? I've had a bunch of advice from lots of different people, but I still failed! I'm a little confused and I wonder if this is a sign I can only be a mediocre skydiver. . . . And why is it always a left spin?