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  • Home DZ
    Ranch, NY
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  2. Futility of Such an appropriate sentiment for this movie, yet it was the furthest thing from my thoughts. I guess we get so caught up in the morality of it all, or lack thereof, and seek some sort of "responsible" party, that it is difficult to see how blatantly pointless all of this violence really is.
  3. Has anyone here seen this yet? I went to see it last night and thought it was great, albeit somewhat long-winded. Golda Meir's character has a few great lines. "Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises with its own values."
  4. Don't you all understand that the truly lazy, corrupt class in this society is the management class of which you seem to be such a proud member? From CEOs of multinational corporations down to owner/managers of small city businesses, the American excecutive and manager is the laughingstock of the world. With their golden parachutes and corrupt financing on the high end to their inept competition against foreign suppliers on the low end, the American executive/management class has shown itself to be the most bungling, selfish segment of this society. From Enron all the way down to the garment factory that makes inferior socks for twice the price of those made in China, they're too dim to commit successful fraud and too unacquainted with real work to succeed even when honest. And you have the gall to insult union workers, in particular union workers who make a vast 100 year old system operate safely and smoothly? Pleeeease.
  5. Am I the only one here who is pro-union?
  6. Life on, Life off...