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Everything posted by pjc

  1. Why use a full face helmet! Standard helmet & goggles is much better for freeflying
  2. Are you sure a sabre 135 is a good idea at your jump numbers? If I were you I'd stick with the safire 149 for a while yet Edit to add: Speed 2000 reserves pack very small too!
  3. It doesn't matter how worn they are if they are not routed correctly! I have seen riggers pull up rigs that have been jumped where the tab has just been pulled through the loop rather than doubling it over (still going twice through the risers and lines). Not saying thats the case here of course!!
  4. I agree, but I also see a scenario where a head down attitude would mean the deploying reserve is going right past the pc in tow and main container possible causing main deployment, whereas a head up attitude means the relative wind would take it into clear air. My opinion FWIW Cutaway (optional but thats my choice as I have something out) - Pull Reserve - Flat Attitude if time to think!
  5. Wow thats a lot of demoing - Theres no way we could lay our hands on that kind of range of canopies to demo here in the UK! Still, I ended up with a XF2 as my latest toy & it totally rocks so I'm not too bothered
  6. Check out the wristwrap from www.cloudflyer.com I asked if they make one for a viso and they designed one specifically. It works great!!!
  7. I don't know about the US, but this one is still jumped at Headcorn in the UK. At least I'm pretty sure it is - I haven't jumped there for about a year! It has a turbine engine not a Radial so its not too noisey!!!
  8. 1500' is 50 millibars of pressure change, thats just about the highest area of high pressure to the lowest low. 3mb of change in 1 hour would be considered a very steep pressure gradient. If theres 1500' of change in 1 hour, its not going to be down to change in atmospheric pressure (sorry, don't know figures in Hg) IMHO of course
  9. I would go at 1500 on my main, but any lower down (to about 800) on my reserve. This thread got me thinking about run-in speeds, I mean I wouldn't go from 1500 on my main from a balloon as I would need to accelerate towards the ground to get enough airspeed for a successful deployment. Then again I wouldn't want to go from 1500 at 150kts as I doubt I could remain stable (couchfreaks style!). I really don't know what min and max run-in speeds would be for me to exit that low but I'd take a pop at between 75 and 110 knots.
  10. Hey Tony, I flew in G-WREN too. My Mrs bought me an Aero experience for my b'day. What a buzz!!!
  11. Hi Robbie, Don't know if it counts for anything but Empuriabrava, Seville, Freefall Adventures (Sebastian FL) & Perris are the only BPA Overseas Associated DZ's listed (apart from the military ones in Cyprus and Germany). Might make it easier when you come back! C-ya tomorrow Paul
  12. Don't know what container you're using but a Mirage M1 size is quoted as being OK for a PDR126 "a brick" with a PDR 143 in BUT a Smart 150 will go in and a Smart 135 is too small for it. Thats either a big difference in the way the canopies are measured or the Aerdynes have a smaller pack volume per sqM.
  13. I know of course that you are all right, it is the Pilot not the canopy - but the Pilot (canopy) has a significantly quicker recovery arc than the sabre 1 & 2. I can get reasonable swoops from it for my experience level, but I find holding double fronts as I come out of the turn loses speed (which I have to do unless I turn uncomfortably low) whereas on other canopies where the wing can maintain a natural shape there is a degree of acceleration still available. When I turn the Pilot a bit lower and get it right so it planes out by itself just above ground it gives some nice swoops, but theres not much difference (IP height wise) from there to deep in the corner. I would like something that will maintain a descent for a while longer. The Sabre 135 does sounds like a good option, but - I can't see any advantage in going down that route rather that the x-fire 139
  14. I've done a fair bit of canopy coaching - both workshops and 1 on 1 coaching and its something I intend to keep up. Thanks for all the info and advice - just need the time & weather to get some jumps in now
  15. Most of my current landings are 180 FR initated from 400' Its a real struggle to keep the pilot in a dive for that long. I need to go from full brake to full double fronts, then let it turn real slow. Usually I have to keep some double front on as I come out to stop it planing out too high. I am not expecting that of the x-fire at all!! I'm going right back to square 1 with straight ins first & lots of altitude work before I start building back up to 90's. I'm actually quite looking forward to it!!
  16. I would love to try a 149, but due to the fact that most people only jump x-fires at higher wingloadings, 149's are rocking horse s**t around here! I would order a demo from Icarus, but afaik you have to pay quite a lot and you only get the canopy for 1 weekend in which case there is a very high likelyhood of not getting to jump it (at this time of year in the UK). I think I'll try out this 139 on a couple of high clear & pull's & see how it goes!!!
  17. Thanks a lot everyone - Exactly the type of input and good advice I was looking for
  18. Thats a good idea! I was going to go for a x-fire 2 149 so as not to downsize & go fully elliptical in 1 hop - but a well respected rigger told me that I would be wasting my time going from a P150 to a x-fire 149 and would be better off with a 139.
  19. Thanks for the comments! My canopy coaches comment was: "sounds like a reasonable downsize" and I'm Ok with most of Bill Von's checklist, not landed on rears or done a downwinder but plenty of no winders. Really I'm just after an idea of how different the canopies are likely to fly and anything to watch out for.
  20. Just wanted some opinions on this. The Pilot has a very short recovery arc and the x-fire 2 much longer as I understand, but this also allows more time to let the canopy fly before planing out hence could be seen as safer as manouvres will be initiated much higher. Wingloading = 1.37on P150 and 1.47 on x-fire 2 139. Constructive comments appreciated!!
  21. I've heard of this before. In fact a rigger offered to do it for me when I enquired if my rig would take a smaller main (it already had 1 downsize). But I was thinking that if you changed the internal shape and size of the container, wouldn't you also have to change the d-bag to fit??
  22. Hey Zoter - I've got a CC helmet and will be thinking about a stills camera next year. But the flat-top isn't very big on it, (about 90mm F to B x 65mm across) d'ya reckon it'll fit?? Will you be at Sibson again any time soon? (apart from this weekend)
  23. A small point - But if I'm understanding this correctly, the pick up wasn't towing the canopy but was parked and just being used as a teather to fly it (like a kite) in gusty conditions.