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Everything posted by mpohl

  1. That's devastating. Spence/Julie, wife and I, go back to the original (!) Skydive Atlanta days. Under Mike Powell. I still remember the initial Bolingbroke boogie. Out of which Spence eventually grew RoamingDZ. And then, via Dublin, the FitzBoogie. While and I wife have since departed skydiving, Spence, and Julie, were always in our memories. Proudly!
  2. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." --Peter Ustinov
  3. As far as snivel goes, nothing compares to the Diablo (discontinued) by Aerodyne: 1,000-1,500 ft easily. After deployment, you would find yourself in vertical body position, slider still all the way up, canopy just inflated 1/3 and 1/2. Ands then it would ever so slowly blossom. Awesome! It was a very snappy canopy to fly. Much faster turns than a Stiletto. I never understood why they discontinued it. :(
  4. Dude. You do realize that you go straight over the heads/ math capabilities of 99.9% of the US population. The horror! Might as well ask for the first derivative of y=x^2. Per capita basis? 2011 Gun deaths in the U.S..... 10.38 2011 Gun deaths in the U.K..... .23 Used 2011 'cause that was the latest year stats were available for the U.K. on
  5. Gun advocates often say that a citizen right to firearms is necessary to protect against tyranny. Last night, it seems that some people in Dallas may have used that right to combat what they see as tyranny: the killing of innocent civilians by police officers. Allowing anyone to have the right to combat what they see as tyranny in the most extreme way possible means that everyone will have that right. Giving people powerful weapons to combat "tyranny" may seem like a good idea when you agree with them, but different people define that term differently. Giving people the right to decide who lives or dies whenever they think it's necessary is clearly a recipe for disaster. Take away the guns.
  6. A very observant comment... "America is becoming Afghanistan. People are armed to the teeth with high power military style weapons. Anyone can buy guns just about anywhere. No restrictions on ammunition purchases. Armor piercing ammo is readily available. Many states now have both open carry and conceal carry and many of those do not require a permit or any training. Law enforcement is terrified of the pubic. The public is terrified of law enforcement. The government through police brutality openly oppresses certain minorities. Politicians have lost respect for law enforcement when they don't get a politically desired conviction. We have state sanctioned dungeons called prisons that are busting at the seams from overcrowding. We do nothing to counter massive inequality and hopelessness which breeds contempt and lack of respect for government. We are on the verge of electing a demagogue for president who knows nothing but talks tough and rails against everything. His opponent ignores legal requirements of office for convenience. Congress is completely dysfunctional, accomplishes nothing and thinks its job is to gum up the works so no problems can be addressed. This is done in opposition to the duly elected leader whom whey have no respect for. Mass shootings have become commonplace. About the only hurdle left are roadside IEDs and suicide car bombs. All because of politics, fanatic ideology, corruption in the form of campaign financing and lobbyists, and a misinterpreted 2nd amendment."
  7. They, customers, still have jumped out of an airplane. Isn't that what it is all about? I have taken customers out on a cloudy day at 6k after they waited all day long for the skies to clear. Rather than sent them home w/ "tandem" blue balls. :)
  8. If ISIS were really serious, they hunt done the real terrorists: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld. It is not like their addresses are unknown. Rather than killing innocent civilians.
  9. W/o even reading any of the article. To answer your question. This is Georgia. The epi-center of the Confederacy. You think the war is over? Far from it. P.S.: I have been living and surviving here for 20 years. And I am talking about Atlanta. You go to the country-side. And you can re-live "Mississippi Burning" any day.
  10. Keeping in line w/ the title of this thread. Toddler (less than 3 years of age) shootings are a real concern. In 2015, at least one per week. See attachment. NUTS!
  11. So sorry. I don't carry. Don't even own a single bullet in my name. He was waiting for you to do it first.
  12. You have anything reasonable to add about gun violence in the US? Or just trying to be a side-show ventriloquist?
  13. Why would you say that? Never heard, in your albeit limited world, about carrying people more than one passport? If you can't even afford one? A US passport. I carry two. My children carry three. What's your problem, dimwit? Do you have a multiple personality disorder or something?
  14. Why, as a devoted American citizen would I care to be on another continent? I love my country! And I care about my fellow Americans. If you feel restricted in the "land-of-free", maybe it is time to move on? Somalia comes to mind. Point is. My safety trumps your liberty. 24/7. Do we understand each other? Perfectly well!!??
  15. Actually you and others are lacking in the logical department. Corollary: The SUV got away. An SUV w/ a blown out tire doesn't drive very far. Maybe the tire she hit was not that of the SUV???? Just maybe. "It flattened a rear tire." Just as it could have flattened any innocent shopper. And you don't even carry, I presume. Or BV; further below. So, you guys are the smart ones. It is the stupid ones that have all the guns. Scary!!!!!!!! Yeah it sounds crazy, but when you eliminate the "what if" game and only state the final outcome..... That woman had some serious skillz to take out the tire on a fleeing vehicle without any collateral damage.
  16. Gotta love this place. It gets nuttier by the day around here. Now every citizen can be LE, judge, jury, and executioner. All wrapped into one un-educated, god-loving package. "[...]A Michigan woman was charged Tuesday with reckless use of a handgun after firing at a vehicle carrying shoplifters fleeing a Home Depot. Instead of a “misguided attempt” to stop the vehicle using her gun, the woman, Tatiana Duva-Rodriguez, 46, of Clarkston, should have tried to take a picture of the license plate, the Oakland County prosecutor said. “If this is proven, I find it very disturbing that someone would take out their gun in a busy parking lot and shoot at the tires of a passing car,” said the prosecutor, Jessica R. Cooper. “Once fired, the bullet could have easily ricocheted or fragmented and injured or killed someone else.” The episode unfolded last week, the police said, when a man at a Home Depot in Auburn Hills, a suburb of Detroit, loaded a shopping cart with about $1,100 in merchandise, including power tools, a welder and a nail gun. He wheeled the cart past the cash registers and out the door, sprinting through the parking lot to a driver in a waiting sport utility vehicle, where the goods were loaded. The vehicle then sped off. A Home Depot employee gave chase, yelling “stop” to no avail. And then another sound rang out: gunfire. According to the police, Ms. Duva-Rodriguez, who is licensed to carry a concealed weapon, fired several shots from her handgun at the fleeing S.U.V. While the S.U.V. got away, a 9-millimeter bullet flattened a rear tire. No one was injured, and there was no apparent damage to other cars or property, a police spokeswoman, Lt. Jill McDonnell, said.[...]"
  17. Having lived East to West for over 25 yrs+. The "schmucks" live on the East Coast. Up and down. And in-between. Once you get to the Rockies, it gets better. I love it out West. Pacific NW, up and down the coast. N. Ca., OR, WA. Anything west of I5. :) P.S.: As we used to say when I was attending grad school: "There is no intelligent life East of I5."
  18. There is an excellent, short, time-line video on NYT. Showing how even our President gets frustrated, angry, exasperated. Imagine having to go in front of the cameras basically every week. And yes. I think Obama is more intelligent than the average SC poster.
  19. Enlighten me dude. I go away and firearm deaths in the US will come down 20%? I go away and this thread will turn into an intellectual discourse yielding workable solutions? 2003-2014: Terrorism, US: 36 dead. Firearms, US: 316,000+. PLease go into details. Just go add absolutely nothing to this forum and this place would be significantly better without you.
  20. I don't get it. So, former US Army dude is even too crippled to keep a private msg to himself. Like not even being man enough. I'd shoot myself if I were disabled as he his mentally. Of course, I don't have a gun. Maybe he has. This poster is not a man. Even a bitch has more self-respect.
  21. So, in reality you are a cripple! Medically unfit. Posing thru your avatar as a tough dude. Times past. You yourself having been shot. And personally experienced the trauma. I have to wonder why you want to propagate this. I feel sorry. For you have nothing learned. Well I'm not on active duty anymore. I am medically retired. I had a lot of complications after being shot and was unable to continue my service. However, you should know: Lawfulness. A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the official issuing it. Because: After World War II, Nazi war crimes were prosecuted at Nuremberg, and those trials established an important principle: that is the responsibility of every individual to make an independent determination of the legality of any law or official act. No one may delegate that duty to others, not to superiors, and not to judges. It is no defense that you were "just following orders".
  22. If you are still active in the military. And man enough. Let me have the contact info for your commanding officer. Because it is not your job as a soldier to decide which orders to follow or not. A soldier's job is to die! I am dead-serious. Let me have the contact info and I will contact your commanding officer. If you are man enough!
  23. Give it up, TK. It's hopeless. P.S.: "Responding to a mass shooting Thursday on an Oregon campus, President Obama, visibly angry and frustrated, said that such incidents had become so routine that “we’ve become numb to this." P.P.S.: Instead we have to listen to the usual numbwits on this board. Spewing their Anvil BS. Thats what is wrong w/ America. And all OR dead would agree in a heartbeat. If they still had one!
  24. I can accept traffic fatalities. They happen all over the world. Mas o menos. Gun violence is a uniquely American phenomenon. This doesn't happen to that extend in Europe, the UK (America's brethren), Russia, China, India. Do I need to go on? Gun violence is totally preventable. No guns, no violence. Again: Europe, the UK (America's brethren), Russia, China, India. Do I need to go on? How many of the 33,000 would never ride in a vehicle again, just to live another day? It doesn't work like that. Derek V
  25. Being sacrificed on the altar of the second amendment is pretty harsh. If you could ask the dead, I think all of them would agree. I bet all of them would have given up their right to bear guns. Just to live another day.