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Everything posted by mpohl

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of my intellect being superior. :) And I also agree w/ the points you make. I do think that US cops are poorly trained, and that they are a rather stupid bunch. I also understand that they are afraid. Maybe we could all make them feel more comfortable by severely curtailing gun possession? Like from 300M down to 3M? Of course citizens/criminals won't turn their guns in if asked nicely. They are not afraid of the cops. So, let's tax guns. At $500 a piece per year. You don't pay; the IRS comes after you. And I haven't met anybody not being afraid of the IRS...:) I realize your superior intellect I know any resistance on my part is futile, but I'm going to give it the old college try. American police deal with an armed populace, the German police largely do not. But I'm sure you knew that, and given your comments on two man patrols vs. one man, you have the skill and knowledge to make a difference. I'd suggest you check the link Normiss posted in a thread addressing police involved shootings. The Polizei don't deal anywhere near the volume of armed encounters that us yanks deal with, but again with superior intelligence, I know, you know that.
  2. A follow-up. Try to explain this. And it is ok if cops crap their pants. It is not ok, if somebody dies because cops are too afraid and ill-equipped to handle an escalating situation.
  3. To begin with, the US is my country. But it is not the only country I know. Intimately. You are intelligent/argumentative enough to look up gun laws and ownership in Germany. But, so here it goes: (1) US Cops kill at an outrageous rate because of (i) poor training, (ii) military background that is not conducive to civilian policing, (iii) they must assume that everyone they encounter is packing; (2) (1) (iii) is a direct result of (i) NRA, (ii) uneducated citizenry thinking that ad verbatim readings of a 200 yr old document apply today (not unlike the strict adherence seen w/ radical muslims); (iii) every idiot being on the loose w/ a weapon because of lack of adequate mental healthcare (thank Reagan and the GOP for that.) So we are getting what we deserve as a society in our current state. And that's a lot of dead bodies. IT'S A DISGRACE! In your country how many legally owned and illegally owned firearms are there? In the US there are estimated 270 million total guns.
  4. "I'm not surprised. I live in a country bordering Germany (the Netherlands), with a population of 17 million. If a police officer fires a warning shot it makes national headlines." Birth- Current-America Death-N/A Please fill in the blank answer to continue.
  5. I am an American citizen. How about you? Let me guess.I Have-No-Clueistan?
  6. I don't do personal attacks I leave that to the cops. Like ABQ? ***Budget constraints; I can understand that. Actually Lets separate that into what it really is a PA, and then a comment that makes no sense are you high right now?
  7. Perfect. So, your life is worth $5k or less. Budget constraints; I can understand that. Actually, I would peg it at $2k at the most. My life is worth a lot more.
  9. So, how much is your life worth? If we can save $5k over the course of the year in policing expenses, you'd be willing to be killed by undertrained/staffed police? P.S.: On a much broader philosophical note. Which I don't expect an Anvilbrother to even remotely grasp. Don't even try! But isn't it all about being alive? None of us wants to die; we all want to live. Because we will be dead most of the time. What binds us (US, Islam, Russian, Gay, Lesbian, etc.) together is the will to live!
  10. This thread is not about mcordell, the Cop. It is about US cops. You might not be a problem cop; but US cops as a whole ARE a problem. Let me just state that I have been on the receiving end (visited) many jurisdictions all over the world. US cops and their attitude is among the worst!!! P.S.: One thing I never could wrap my head around. Why don't they have two officers to a patrol car? Immediate back-up! Plus save on vehicle expenses. That's how it is done in many other places in the world. P.P.S.: Of course, we know that America is exceptional and doesn't compare with any other place! Referencing all you know about me, which is limited to my posts here, what part of my attitude exactly do you not like?
  11. I appreciate your thoughtful comment. Nevertheless, somebody must be doing the killing! And we are talking hundreds upon hundreds, probably thousands of innocent citizens each year. Add to that, for example, the PR disaster that is the NYPD; and you'll understand why a substantial portion of the citizenry begins to see police and LE as an occupying force. And yes, your military background supports my statement. You were trained as a soldier: to combat, to kill, to occupy. That's your training. Except, WE don't like that and the attitude that comes with it. Hmmmm. I don't recall ever killing anyone in my 11 years (and counting) in this job. In fact in the 4 agencies I have worked for, nobody I have ever worked with has killed someone in the course of their job and that equates to hundreds of officers over a combined hundreds of years of experience. I have worked with officers that were shot during their career though. I have been shot at during mine and yet none of us have taken a single life. I know one officer who shot someone that attacked him with a knife. The suspect died. I never worked with him and never worked for the same agency but I do know him. He fired one shot and suffered several cuts to his hands while actively defending himself. I guess I don't see the murderous nature you are referring to. I sincerely wish you the best though and would gladly risk my life to protect you if you called in your time of need. I don't know you but I support your right to freedom of speech. That's why I served in the Army Infantry and why I work law enforcement. This is a great country we have here.
  12. Of course, all of this is self-aggrandizing US Cop bullshit. You and your ilk shoot more bullets in a single incident than all cops in Germany combined in a year. I am talking like 80-100 bullets. You surely must be aware of the statistics that I am referring to. Of course, cops in the US are a much more murderous bunch compared to other Western police forces. Again, look up the statistics. Thugs in uniform! Let's hope they get your ABQ pals for murder. I understand the point of view of the citizens. That's pretty easy for me because I'm not above the citizens I serve. I have conversations with people in my community and I understand that the majority of people are good. I don't go to work with a suspicion of everyone I see or an "us vs. them" mentality. Unfortunately a lot of people are buying into the anti-police movement. Not too long ago I was on patrol and clocked someone at 56 in a 40. I turned around to have a chat with them and they ducked into an apartment complex. When I pulled in I saw the car parked in a spot and the white male I observed driving it was walking away from it (refusing to look my direction) like nothing happened. Of course I stopped to talk to him and he was argumentative from the start. Told me he didn't have to provide me with ID because I had no right to stop him while he was walking. I insisted politely that he provide me with a driver license since I observed him driving and had stopped him for committing a traffic violation. I was very polite with the guy, but firmly insisted that he was required to provide his DL. He pulled out his wallet and handed me a plastic card from prepaid legal and told me to read it. It had some bullshit on it about how he knew his rights.....yada yada yada. After I handcuffed him and placed him in my car for refusing to provide his driver license and insurance upon lawful request (both arrestable misdemeanor offenses) I found the driver license he was refusing to provide to me. He was suspended of course which added a third charge. Honestly I would have taken him to jail either way. I gave him several opportunities to comply and do the right thing and he refused. His "I know my rights" attitude caused him to commit two misdemeanor offenses, all because he was a dick. It is one thing to know your rights but it's an entirely different thing to be a dick to police and refuse to do what you are told. If an officer is behaving unlawfully, I believe citizens should obey all commands and record the confrontation if possible. Deal with it later. If I were stopped and the officer was acting in an unlawful manner I would still follow all their commands and be non-confrontational because it really takes two people to escalate the situation most of the time. I have a VERY good understanding of the law and my rights but the side of the road is not the place to deal with it. My point is, I do understand the viewpoint of the citizens. I truly do. The real problem though is that it is more and more common for those that are buying into the us vs them media bullshit to think they are exercising their rights when they are really just making things worse and causing unnecessary tension. You can see it all over youtube where people video officers and intentionally cause conflict just to try to get the officer reacting unreasonably. Just google "sovereign citizen" and see what you find. We have one of those loony morons in my jurisdiction and it's a two deputy response any time we go to his house because they are dangerous.
  13. Let me take this one step further. Based on your willingness to at least listen/consider. If an individual has a personal firearm, AND is a member of a gun club promoting the sport of marksmanship, AND if the firearm is stored on club premises. But not at home. NO TAX. If a person is a hunter and has a lease on hunting land. NO TAX on two long guns.
  14. Why don't you just answer the question(s). Highly trained, 29-year old woman getting shot by a two-year old? Suburbian Atlanta Police Chief accidentally shooting his wife? Every half-wit would by now have concluded that guns are just not safe. And don't make me go on and on. You can pull up the stats and horror stories yourself. You are sacrificing human life, your fellow Americans life, on the Second Amendment Temple!
  15. Another accidental shooting!!!!! Obviously, this guy wasn't qualified to carry either. Except that he was the Police Chief of an Atlanta Suburb. Let's hear it from our residential NRA terrorists! Explain this!®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  16. For testicular fortitude, I recommend Every one-baller on there can teach your sorry ass a lesson! Don't make reference to that you don't even begin to understand. I know! If you get my drift! I can only assume that your understanding of guns and the role of them in a society, is at the same level. Meaning nil. Do I have made myself perfectly clear? Guns are taxed at the point of sale; not unlike and in some States at the same rate as cars. >>>>>$2,000/ yr for a single handgun/ pistol; $4,000/yr for a long gun. That would be a prohibitive excessive tax in which only the rich could own guns. And, that would prevent the poor to middle-class from their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. . Perhaps if you were the person with the firearm. Why are you so afraid? I thought skydivers had testicular fortitude.
  17. Exactly. If you aren't "rich" (and c'mon, what is $2,000/yr?), you probably don't know how to make money. If you don't know how to make money, you are probably lacking in the mental department. If you are lacking mentally, you really shouldn't be carrying a gun! P.S.: And no gun privileges for anyone w/o health insurance. Because guns have a preponderance to shoot their owners or direct family members!!! Guns are taxed at the point of sale; not unlike and in some States at the same rate as cars. >>>>>$2,000/ yr for a single handgun/ pistol; $4,000/yr for a long gun. That would be a prohibitive excessive tax in which only the rich could own guns. And, that would prevent the poor to middle-class from their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. .
  18. This is an aside to the on-going discussion. I am from Heidelberg. I am also a US-German citizen. But I never appreciated the star-spangled banner flying on German soil. There is something wrong with that!!! Glad that the USeless Army finally pulled back from Heidelberg. You were never welcomed. And that's solely based on the usurpatory behavior that US forces apparently display all around the world. And displayed in my hometown. I'm not asking you to, I'm just challenging your blanket assumption that all Germans who weren't terrorists were happy to have US troops there. Again, try just reading what's there instead of looking for what to be offended by.
  19. Another idea. Why can't we just tax guns? $2,000/ yr for a single handgun/ pistol; $4,000/yr for a long gun. You own guns w/o the appropriate tax receipt. The IRS comes after you. I mean we tax cars, right? So, all the gun lovers can put their money to support their hobby/ mouth. How is that? P.S.: Even as s.o. being very critical of guns, I can live w/ that. For $2,000/$4,000/yr per gun, you even get the right to carry. I am feeling generous tonight.
  20. TS. How about giving us your read about the NYTimes article that I posted earlier. Kids being killed by guns. Also, what about my New Year's video for you? Care to comment? Just admit it, you really don't know jack shit about gun ownership and concealed carry, do you? Looking at someone is not the same as walking up to a car with a predominantly aggressive posture and body language. Lesson: 1) Owning a gun is for defence not offence. when you learn that, come back and comment.
  21. TS. Buddy. Let me enlighten you. The purpose of a car is TRANSPORTATION. That sometimes go wrong, aka accident. The purpose of a gun is to maim and kill. When a gun is used for its intended purpose, that's not an accident! That shouldn't be difficult to comprehend. Yet every year a child accidentally runs over their parent by accident. ALL CARS SHOULD BE BANNED EXCEPT FOR MILITARY AND A FEW POLICE.
  22. Glad that you are seeing the humor in a woman getting shot by her two-year old toddler. Care to enlighten us on especially hilarious parts of the story?
  23. Is that the typical redneck gun owner in America? If so, you really want somebody like that packing around your neighborhood, your family, your children? I DONT!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Bro'. Did you even care to read the Guardian piece, before spewing your wisdom?????!!!! I am sure you have a gun, too. You think you are really intellectually equipped to handle the responsibility? If your suggesting bullets that are falling back to earth from being fired straight into the air can kill someone your wrong. Anyone that is a skydiver should know that. People get killed by bullets that are still moving from the propulsion of gunpowder. Not by a bullet falling vertically at terminal after falling out of the sky. I figured a anti-gun liberal would at least know facts.
  25. Unfortunately, an all too predictable reaction by the gun extremists. Or shall I say NRA/2nd Amendment terrorists. When confronted w/ the facts... "Celebratory gunfire" does not deserve a kick-in-the-butts. At a minimum, it needs to be prosecuted as attempted homicide. If somebody gets killed, it is a homicide. That simple. You made a statement, and I agreed to it as it was stated. Now you want to change the statement after the fact? Take your trolling and shove it.