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  1. US Army active Infantry from 1992 until 2000. Currently a MAJ in the reserves. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  2. Are the bumblings of a bunch of eggheads really bothering you or are you just bored? It really doesn't matter what we call it. They'll still be what they are. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  3. Be careful who you lie to. Lying to a Federal Agent can land you in jail for up to five years if they decide to pursue it (they rarely do). It's best just to keep your mouth shut. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  4. Mr. Kettle meet Mr. Pot. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  5. OK, pass the hat around like John said, that should help defray the fuel costs, and get rid of the costumes. Now we only have to work on the "time" problem. Seriously, we enjoyed the performance. Hope you don't have to stop performing at the boogies. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  6. If I remember by aero classes right, the dimples on a golf ball should change the airflow from laminar to turbulent on the front and sides of the golfball while it is in flight. Turbulent flow causes less drag on the golfball at the same velocity. Friction is one of the components of drag on a flying body. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  7. I'm B-. Stopped giving blood regularly after having to take malaria pills. I guess I should start back. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  8. I never got to see the balloons. I thought it was funny so I let my First SGT handle it. He was actually pissed. I thought it was a very ingenious way of practicing calling for indirect fire.
  9. Everyone has a different learning curve. I personally am pistol challenged. It took me a few months of regular traing to get where I could do that consistently. I would say about 2-3,000 rounds for me. Your mileage may vary. If you focus just on this skill, you could do it a whole lot faster. It then takes regular training to maintain that proficiency. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  10. If you plan on staying in the military, don't get her anything big. You'll be gone a lot and she'll just expect something better every time you return. Best to leave yourself a lot of upward mobility in the gift department.
  11. Back in 1998, I was doing a little tour of duty in Saudi Arabia with the Army. Four of my soldiers got bored and started practicing their indirect fire techniques with a three man sling shot and some water balloons. Three were shooting the balloons over a building and the fourth soldier was on the other side of the building adjusting their aim with a radio. Well.......long story short, they finally hit an Air Force Major in the head and it knocked him out cold. It was hilarious. Since I was their company commander I had to repreimand them but I had a hard time. I mean, it was an Air Force officer. Anyway, my point is, 78RATS is correct. Water balloons can be lethal. Now, on with the brain storming! "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  12. I'm coming in late but I'm going to put my two cents in anyway. If you have lots of money, time, and willingness to train, I would recommend going with the .45 due to its stopping power. When I say willingness to train, I mean about 300 rounds a month and some high quality professional training about once a year. With this training you can control the recoil and fire just as fast with as much accuracy as with a 9mm or .40. If you fall on the other extreme ie little money, time, or willingness to train, then go for the 9mm. You will be able to control the recoil with less training which will allow you to fire faster with greater accuracy. Get hollow points, not ball, and a weapon that is easy to learn such as the Glock or its many copies by other manufacturers. If you fall somewhere in the middle, the .40 is a good compromise. Remember, even trained law enforcement only hit with about 20% of their shots in real shootings. The targets move, you're moving, you're scared, and the adrenaline is high. I've been in a shooting and it ain't like the movies. Also, don't expect your target to react like in the movies. He/she won't drop immediately (most likely) and may not even act like he/she was hit. A person can continue to fight for about a minute after receiving a fatal wound to the heart if they have the will. A lot can happen in that minute. Only two shots will drop a person immediately, a brain stem shot and a pelvic girdle shot. You should be aiming center mass. That will be hard enough to hit. No need to make it harder by trying some trick shot. In my department, only the SWAT teams carry .45 due to the training requirements. Everyone else carries a .40 and a few still carry the 9mm. Some departments are going back to the 9mm due to the increased lethality of newer rounds and the ease of learning the weapon. The bottom line is get a weapon that you can learn to shoot with a good deal of competency. Strive for six rounds in 5 seconds from the holster at 15 yards in the torso of a silhouette. When you get to that point, you are pretty much trained. Pistols are hard to shoot and take a lot of continuous training to become competent with and to maintain that competency. If I wasn't in law enforcement I would use a shotgun for home defense. It's easy to learn and devastating. People also respect it a lot more than a pistol. There is something about looking down the barrel of a shotgun that takes the fight out of people. If you don't have to kill someone, it is easier on you in the long run. I've seen guys that have trained for years have trouble dealing emotionally with killing someone and they had professional counselors and numerous close buddies helping them through it. It's not something to take lightly. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  13. Since when did we start calling a search warrant signed by a judge a "raid"? The media will do anything to attract attention and start controversy. I'm waiting to see how this guy explains the $90,000 found in his refrigerator. That's where I keep my savings. How about you? "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  14. I'm thinking that if you fall asleep while skydiving, you've got more immediate concerns than having another seizure. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin
  15. Yeah, I found the officiating to be inconsistent and the players to be very good actors. Every time some one was touched they fell down and acted like they broke a femur. That will be the last soccer game I watch for a long time. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin