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  1. El_Duro


    Nice place near Santiago, Valparaiso and a pittoresque small village called Pomaire known for their pottery and traditional restaurants, Los Naranjos and San Antonio are recommended. Every 15 minutes goes a buss from Santiago (to Melpilla) The dropzone name comes from Indian and means the place were the wind blows. Is very peculiar due to the fact that the wind direction is always the same. There is plenty of space for making secure landings. A small peculiarity is that, student are doing right turns on the landing path for security reasons. I visited the dropzone in October and it was pretty cold, the small aircraft (4 pax) took it’s time to climb to 3500m, this was no problem for a curious tourist the landscape is impressive. During good weather conditions it says that the Aconcagua Mountain could be see at the east on the west there is the immense Chilean coast. All over the place was very nice, people were little introvert but cool, when the beer were handed over, after a nice jumping day then the extrovert were in majority. If you are planning to be there then contact Willy and he will surely help you with the arrangements, a real cool jump buddy. The last I heard was that they have plans for a bigger aircraft (12-16 pax) today they have 3 smaller aircrafts http://www.paracaidas.goodstuff.cl/x_home.asp