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Everything posted by jumperconway

  1. Stephen is the one that took care of mom's pub!I felt obligated to post this because he handled my mothers ash dive! Peace. > -- On Tue Feb 01 16:44:11 PST 2005, "Stephen C. Gray" wrote: > Dear everyone: > > Dad passed away peacefully on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 29, after a valiant > struggle with congestive heart failure. He requested that there be no > memorial service held. The obituary below is scheduled to appear in the > Thursday (2/3) edition of the Houston Chronicle and the Austin > American-Statesman in Austin, where his twin sisters reside. > > I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for your prayers, support and > encouragement during this especially difficult time. Mom is now residing at > home under care provided by Houston Hospice and me, following her release > from the hospital, where she was admitted on Dec. 5. > > Best regards, > Steve > >
  2. Just kind of like to send an invite and get a heads up on who's coming since I have been asked to be a load organiser for the belly fliers!
  3. Yep since I haven't jumped since last weekend and we have 40-60ways at Spaceland this weekend!
  4. Totally agree Andie. If I'm organizing I usually put myself outside center as I am in 4way but recently Tom Jenkins has been lo'ing and he moves me to i. center, tail,point,f.float or whereever. I find it much more challenging and fun to fly all the dif. slots no matter how big the jumps! It's nice to get a complement from someone like that when you are flying outside of your comfort zone!
  5. I have sold 1 container, 2 mains and a reserve from here and always had the money sent to me before releasing the goods but quite a few people here know me. Not the ones that I sold to though. If you aren't sure though the 3rd party rigger would protect you.
  6. Doodle bug or pill bug and still came up 81% Dixie y'all!
  7. Funny there was no mention of skydiving! Got in 4 afternoon.
  8. You did fine! Now understand that you need to LOOK AT YOUR TOGGLES BEFORE RELEASING THEM SO THAT THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN! Stupid is as stupid does!
  9. That's why buying a quality helmet like an oxygyn is worth the money! You may have to wait and customer service may suck but they are the best made!
  10. You forgot the small 182 dropzone slut!
  11. Brass balls on making the ap. Next time think before you post! When I had 300 jumps and was not accepted on a demo type jump weekend I wanted to post all that I felt about the situation. I slept on it instead and never posted anything even though there were many on the jumps in agreement. I bit my tongue and payed my dues. I am now welcome on all that I would have shot myself in the foot over. Good luck. I remember reading your posts without the specifics.
  12. Dallas fatality? Condolences to the deceased and to the living who will relive this death over and over. Fly free brother Peace, Conway
  13. You're right, it's just another day you get off without me!
  14. Nope,6:30-5:00. Just another day here
  15. I just woke up @7:20 and thought "Oh shit, I'm late for work!" oops, it's Saturday, time to jump, not work,yea!
  16. i cried my eys out!! I think it helped.