The Pig Farm was in Bristol, Wisconsin just South of Kenosha as I remember it. Mostly a student mill, however, we used to jump there with a rotating 4-way competition - East Troy, Pig Farm, 7-Hills, Wisconsin Skydivers and I think another drop zone. This was sometime in the mid-80's. They had a Beaver that climbed real slow and you could carry on a conversation with the team that was on the step while your team was still inside...
Camp Lake - that is where one of the guys that jumped at East Troy used to live. I remember when I was on student status and all the student gear was stolen from East Troy. Mark, Gene & I drove out there to borrow some old army gear that I had to jump with to keep on making student jumps. I made one or two jumps with that gear and thought I was going to die for sure. We were so spoiled with the pop top reserves and smaller containers that held our PC's.
I can't remember his name for the life of me, but he was very short and later on had a stroke, but still came out to watch us skydive....someone out there knows who I am trying to remember! Help!