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  1. On January the first I had my first cutaway, which was also the first cutaway of the year at my dropzone. It was the first only by 15 seconds(two mals on one load). The weird part is that I knew the day before that it was going to happen. I dont know how I knew, but I did. It was crazy because when the rig was packed the night before(not by me) I just stared at it and knew what was going to happen(line over). Also weeks before it happened I kept seeing the number 32 everywhere i looked, and my reserve ride was on jump 32. Has anyone else had some similar crazy or weird thing happen to you? Hopefully im not the only one.
  2. Hey man thats awesome. We had a boogie this weekend and I got to do a coaching jump from 14,300' out of a casa on jump number 15. It was the most fun I have ever had. I was supposed to leave shortly after my coach(one second), but someone got in my way. I eneded up leaving about five seconds after her. I dont know how I caught up, I just went delta and locked on to the dot I belived to be her. That was Possibly the fastest I have ever been. Tons-O-Fun
  3. I may not have room to talk because of my jump number, but here is where i stand on the topic at hand. I only have nine jumps, but I have already purchased a rig that will get me buy a couple hundred jumps. I dont mind staying with a big canopy untill I am ready to downsize, which souldn't be after fifty jumps anyway. Some people may take longer to downsize or may not want to. If you wait until you have 30-50 jumps you have already spent. $750-$1300 extra depending on how much your gear rental is.That is money that could go towards a used gear purchase, but its gone now. So I would suggest getting your own rig asap. There is alot of used gear that has a decent resale value, so you wont loose the $750-$1300 that you would renting gear. It just makes sense to cut back on startup cost by not renting gear that long.
  4. Sorry Bigun Damn that would be scary for some wuffo to here about anvils falling from the sky.
  5. Now this is the kind of story I am looking for, If anyone knows this guy tell him to post here. Wonder if he had to throw the drouge?
  6. This poll is for out the door weight, and unless you jump without gear it would include that too.
  7. Hey everybody I was just wondering who the biggest jumper is out there?(if possible to find) I am looking for the guy who has to use the tandem rig to do a solo out of a tailgate. Also for you biguns what is you average fall rate? I am about 230 out the door and I was wondering who is going to fly by on their belly.