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Everything posted by freefallpaul

  1. Good luck in getting JAG involved in any type of traffic violation. I have had some of my Soldiers in the past get tickets and JAG would have nothing to do with them. I was told JAG doesn't represent the Soldier, it represents the Government. If I were in your situation I would seek civilian legal counsel.
  2. I recieved and jumped my Icon and I am thrilled with it. Extra options I got were chest rings, RSL, hacky handle and narrow chest strap(free option). I was talking to one of the guys at the DZ that used to sew at one of the shops in FL that made what most people consider one of the top two containers. We got to talking about the entire container construction process and he showed me the way the harness was constructed and the methods used in the stitching. He was using a new container made by the company he used to sew for and the stitches didn't step off on the webbing on all the points and he showed me a few other minor issues that weren't like they were supposed to be. I highly recommend a lesson like that if you have someone knowledgeable around the DZ. I recieved my new Icon the next day and checked it over for the things he showed me and it was top notch. It may not be one of the BIG TWO, but I will take it over either. I had the money to buy what I wanted and if I needed another I would buy the Icon again. Great container and features, Good price