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  1. I go to Taekwondo school 4-5 times a week. I started to do that because it helps me with skydiving - flexibility, good reaction and body awareness. Practice "forms" helps a lot - it develops habit to think about hands position, legs position etc. Now I like Taekwondo itself - it's fun. I was running on the beach 3-4 times a week and working out after that before, but I found it boring. To do something just for sweating - not worth to spend time for. I still need to lose 20-30 pounds - but I am in very good shape for my age and weight - very slick, flexible and energetic.
  2. Thank you all, guys. I think, I'll start to use them.
  3. So, according to the chart in attachment, it's quite dangerous noise. What I've heard - the frequensy of that sound is the most dangerous thing, not the noise level.
  4. I've heard and opinion - airplane's engines' noise is very dangerous for hearing and it is better to use earplugs on board. If skydive regularly without earplugs hearing ability get worse fast. I skydive just for 17 months, but I do it quite regularly. I don't notice my hearing get worse but I am worring about that, and I hate using earplugs. So, I am asking for opinion of experienced people who skydive a lot and for many years. Is that true? Do you use earplugs? Did you notice your hearing get worse? Blue skies