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Everything posted by kittikat

  1. Just wondering what people who have read this book thought of it... I am thinking of buying it for my BF for Christmas (he's an atheist - it isn't to change his beliefs, just for interest). Is it an interesting read? Thought provoking? Well argued? I've read some of Dawkins's articles and saw a clip or two of him talking about religion, still not sure if the book would be worth it. Also, I'm looking for a book on religion that basically describes all major religions, the history, how they were started etc. Not from a religious point of view, more from a historical point of view. Does anyone know of any? Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread... just curious if others think the book is worth buying as well. Good luck with your brother - I have no patience with people who won't think for themselves or won't consider other views / options. Maybe he feels that you are doing that as well? Would it work if you compromised - you read a Christian book, he reads this book?
  2. My kid is studying geography in American public schools. He came home and told me the other day New York WAS in Canada. Or visa versa I'd love to make some kind of American school system joke here, but I'm not sure the education I got from a Canadian public school was much better... As long as he reads enough hopefully he'll figure it out someday! But it was really nice of you to go to all the trouble of starting a war over our twin towers being blown up - very big brotherly!
  3. Thanks for everyones replies. This is a really excellent point, I never thought of it but I guess a lot of people would get complacent when everything is going alright and not bother voting until they feel strongly one way or another. Thankyou. Amazon also has good points, although the essay will be way too short to open that can of worms.... and I don't know nearly enough about what went on, or what is speculation or factual. I've heard of quite a few cases of things like this happening though, in many countries. Really gives democracy a good name. So what does everyone think about an uniformed vote? Is it good, because they are exercising their democratic right and adding their input, or are they merely diluting the votes and making the person who understands politics and has that thought out, well informed vote worth a little bit less? I'm obviously a little biased, but would love to hear other ideas!
  4. Didn't you see the part about being Canadian?! Otherwise you have an excellent point, but I don't think Canadians politics this seriously!
  5. Hi - I'm trying to write an essay on whether or not voting is important and I could use some ideas and opinions! I am trying to take a slightly different approach (I think most people would automatically say voting is essential to a democracy, so I want my essay to not read the same as every other). I am planning on arguing that since most people don't really follow or care about politics that most votes are not really important but only serve to make each election more and more a popularity contest. While a person who follows politics, and has intelligent, thought-out opinions on most controversial points has a very important vote, a lot of people don't put much or any thought or effort into it, and I think that takes away from the system. I'm not trying to start any kind of argument, I'm just looking for different thoughts and ideas. This is based on the Canadian system, if anyone is thinking of examples.... So - is each vote equally important, or is low voter turnout completely acceptable because if people don't care or want to learn then their vote shouldn't be cast? Thanks for your help!
  6. I haven't tried that plant, but I am in Ecuador right now, and was living for 6 weeks in the rain forest with some of the indigenous groups that use these plants. There is hundreds of halucinogenic plants in the rainforest, and the indigenous have been using them for centuries for different reasons. I saw one guy on a strong version of the floropondria plant who was high for 27 hours - that plant is used to see the future, to see your life path. Its really interesting - they believe the plants are magic or medicine, not a drug. No one is addicted to the plants, they only take them for special occasions - to see the future, and others for healing. Some of these plants have made their way to Europe and North America to be banned - in the Netherlands they just de-criminalized ayahuasca I believe. Yet the indigenous have been using them for centuries without anyone being addicted, and they have the plants growing wild all around them. There is hundreds of them out there. Its incredible how little we know about it all....
  7. The Canadian Nationals 2005 required AAD's, but that is DZ specific (and caused a lot of controversy, especially among CReW dogs!). Most DZ's that I know of do not require an AAD unless you are a student. My DZ requires AADs for anyone without at least a B licence. Best to check with the DZ, but it should be ok to jump with it turned off.