Nice post fellow Aviator, mad respect your way for using a Harness only approach to compete, but I'm not sure you proved the Harness only approach is equally effective at the World CP comp level. Front Riser techniques are here to stay, the Industry isn't suddenly getting requests for No Dive Loop Front risers due to a shift to Harness only approaches.
Drennan posts that they are equally effective for larger turns over 450, but then goes on to describe how he uses FR for the first 70%.... That isn't a Harness only approach. That is an integrated approach... Front Risers still get the canopy to Vmax first.
My point was that FR use is still the dominant technique for most Top level CP contenders. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought Nick Batsch was doing 810's using FR for the first 450 or so then finishing with Harness for the last 360, then to rears. If this is true then He still uses FR to get Vmax....and then a Harness turn to conserve the energy through the corner. I would be amazed to hear that in 2015 Batsch will be flying his new gear without front dive loops because he is only using Harness turns from now on. An Integrated FR to H turn is still a FR technique and that is distinguished from a H only turn.
If the H only turns are really equally effective, why does it seem that a serious majority of Podium placing CP pilots still initiate turns with aggressive FR first? I believe it is because you can't generate the same Power and Speed without using the Supercharger that are the Front Risers. The power band of a Harness only turn is sufficient, and probably comes close in Vertical Speeds, that is granted, but FR turns seem more precise, easier to control, generate Vmax more effectively and are here to stay as a dominant technique for CP Comps. I could be proven wrong....Im a bit of an old schooler...not current but love following the CP sport... mad respect to you, the industry, and all the great souls who dare to take on the sky and keep the sport moving forward.