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Everything posted by NathanL100

  1. Yup, another technical question... Is anyone still testing the tailgate slider up with a small hole mesh slider?? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  2. NathanL100

    PC Questions

    Oh boy here we go again... If you do a search in here and on blinc you'll be overwhelmed with info. You forgot about F1-11 vs. vented zp. The difference in pull force would be negligible. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  3. NathanL100

    Norway trips

    Ok... So who's going when?? I'm hoping to catch some better weather than last year at the heliboogie so I'm thinking the end of July and/or early August. No heli, but hopefully no rain... Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  4. I think that anyone posting video up on the web now knows the possible consequences that could be involved so its up to the jumper and their personal/base ethics. I don't think that any changes should be made its awesome the way it is. Everyone should just stop and think about it before they post something up on the web. For example if someone posts a video that burns a site they'll take some serious shit from the base community, which is a perfect example of how base ethics and self regulation will deal with the problem. Just my .02 Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  5. I'll second that!!!! Especially the instances where someone fucks with electrical boxes and fries the whole thing screwing it for all of us. Please as basebasebase01 says take care of objects especially the "commercial" ones b/c they're great, friendly sites that are good for newbies to learn on, but don't be the newbie with a "fuck you, I can do this myself" attitude. There are plenty of expirenced jumpers out there who are willing to show you the ropes of sites, all you have to do is ask. Also, please don't leave trash (ie. Go Fast Cans) on approaches to objects. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to put two and two together here. If you don't know how to make it work, don't be lazy... climb the fucker. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  6. NathanL100

    Line Twists

    I was thinking when I wrote up this post that I have only seen one canopy twist up really bad and it turned out that the canopy was fucked up to begin with. But other than that it seems that bad line twists, more than 2 or 3 twists, are rather uncommon under normal conditions unless you're thinking WS base and that’s a totally different issue. I like 283's point fix the problem at the source so that you'll mitigate the chances of it happening. Which is why I don’t go slider up on solid objects that I can’t track away from, the list proves that short delays on solid objects slider up is going to bite you in the ass. Just my 2 cents… Flame away!! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  7. Yo Ray, hows it going norway roomie? I don't get it either... the wind ain't going to turn you in freefall. Maybe they're trying to turn points with themselves on the way down, that would explain it! Just kidding.... Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  8. NathanL100

    Line Twists

    I've been thinking about line twists lately and I was curious what people thought about how to deal with them. I was taught that if your about to fly into something and you're all spun up that you should climb up the twists and grab a free control line above the twists and try to turn it around. It sounds good in theory, but has anyone actually saved their ass by doing this? (if so, please share...) To me it seems like it would be a lot harder to do than it sounds... Plus when you're clawing your way up the twists it would be pretty easy to accidently unstow a toggle, which would make things a lot more interesting. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  9. NathanL100

    Fox or Flik

    They're both options, but I believe that most if not all of the stock (non custom orders) canopies that they are producing have the multi on it. All of my jumps have been with the multi and I don't have anything bad to say about it, the idea just makes sense to me. Some people think that the multi is black death b/c they feel that it is another component that can hang up and cause a problem. This topic has been heavily debated on the base board on blinc. You can probably find some info about the pros and cons if you do a search over there. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  10. Just a thought, but how about someone who is up on all of this putting together a canned letter that everyone can print out, sign, and mail into their rep. I think there would be a lot more letters sent if it was easier. Yes, it does seem a bit impersonal, but I think that it would make more people more likely to send one in. I know I would... Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  11. NathanL100

    Fox or Flik

    Flik!! Better Flare than Fox!! Just my opinon. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  12. Does anyone know what foot patrol implies? I.E. Was she walking through the meadow or on one of the trails? Or was she hiding in the meadow (sneaky fuckers) ? Just curious... Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  13. I've found that using my base pouch is giving me awkward pulls b/c the pc handle it set too low so that my arm is at full extension when I grab the handle so I actually have to bend at the waist or lift my leg so that I can extract the pc from the pouch. Has anyone had this problem? Or has anyone moved the pouch up? I've been toying with the idea of moving the pouch or I might just start using the boc again, but I'm not sure if I'll be comfortable using the boc on a WS base. Any suggestions? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  14. I've had great success taping my control lines and inside D lines together, I won't do a slider up jump without doing it. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  15. NathanL100

    You tell me

    All those people that come out for one jump and talk on their cell phone, yadda, yadda... are the ones paying for that nice plane for you to jump out of and all the other bullshit you take for granted around the dz. Running a dz isn't cheap, hell I wouldn't want to own one, so don't "poo poo" the customers who make ends meet for the dzo. Stop kidding yourself and realize that a dz is a "for profit operation" and your everyday "hardcore" skydiver isn't the one producing the profitability, however small that may be. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  16. Thats a good point. Maybe I'll try that or better yet I'll find some pilot willing to let me do a bandit jump or two . Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  17. From my experience skydiving I've found that the type of suit makes a difference in whether I pitch in full flight or with collapsed wings. With a classic II pitching in full flight in no big deal even with a short bridle, but with my S3 a long bridle and a large zp pc, pitching in full flight has given me some interesting openings with crazy line twists and hesitations. Does anyone have any recommendations as to how I can be training on WS skydives for WS base? Are people sitting up as they deploy in base or just pitching out of full flight, or what? Help?? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  18. NathanL100


    Just like anywhere else its as hot as you want to make it. Although a certain park out here with big walls is always burning hot . Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  19. Regarding PCs what are people using?? With the S3 base pouch?? I use only F111 pcs for non-wingsuit base, but I was thinking that a vented 36 zp would be better with the S3 base pouch b/c its smaller so it'll pack in there easier and the zp will help it slide out easier. Whats the consensus on this?? Too bad that vator is broken. Damns or maybe the local trolls broke it. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  20. I haven't got a good picture of what an omni looks like. Can anyone help me out so that I may avoid these bad boys?? No Trolls, Thanks Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  21. I think that by wearing them under your harness it will cut off or cover the vents on the hips and in the crotch. Which will dramatically reduce the flow of air into the pants. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  22. Saw this on the Austrailian BASE board Cliff Strike From what the post says the person was not hurt and was pulled off the cliff by chopper. Anyone got any more info?? From the pics it looks like it was rental gear, but that doesn't mean too much. Thanks Nate Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  23. NathanL100

    new fly pants

    Yo Douggs!! It was awesome meeting you at the boogie and it is equally awesome that you are so willing to share the pants with the community, unlike another jumper who has a pair, but isn't so willing to share. (Sorry couldn't resist ) Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  24. That'd be great I'll let you know. I've got a pretty good idea, but my sewing skills leave much to be desired. I can sew a parachute patch well enough, but when it comes to weird stuff that I think up I get kind of lost. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  25. I made a pair of the smoking pants and they made my track better. I was able to out distance someone with the birdman track pantz, but the only problem is that they made me chip like crazy. I think that the chipping came from the pants inflating and deflating rapidly, but the jury is still out. I'm in the process of designing another pair, but I'm having problems implamenting my design on the sewing machine. For now I'm going to stay with my freefly pants b/c I have a really good track with them. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.