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Everything posted by NathanL100

  1. I thought I would start a freefly forum thingy about what people have learned over the weekend. I've always found it very helpful to find out how others have accomplished something that I'm struggling with. I.E. movement in a sit, taking docks, head down, etc... and then apply it to my problem or problems as it may be. So, what did you learn this weekend? Good things or bad things. Me, nothing skydiving related, but I can tell you all about limits of a function. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  2. I've got the flat turn down really well with my 150, but I don't know what a flare turn is. Sounds a lot like the flat turn. Please elaborate. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  3. Wow, thanks for all the useful information Chris. I'm already a little wary of the openings on a stileto. They don't call it a Spineto for no reason!! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  4. Ok, so I know that there are a lot posts about this, but like everyone else I need some advise. I've been jumping my present canopy a Spectre 150 for about 6 months now and I've logged about 230(ish) jumps on it. I can land crosswind, downwind, and 7 out of 10 times I can land on target. I weight 150ish pounds (depending on the time of day) and probably about 180ish out the door. I'm really confident with my present canopy and I feel like I'm ready for a 135, but I know that other people can judge me be better than I can judge myself. So, would a Stilleto 135 be a death sentence?? Let the lectures begin! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  5. I'm really impressed with on top of things Mirage is, which is why I'm about to order a G3. I'm also really impressed with how great their customer service is too. That kind of service is hard to come by these days. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  6. Yeah, Sebazz was one of the guys flying the base. Holy shit that was fucking awesome. I expect that we'll be seeing a shot of that on the cover of parachutist soon. We should get Sebazz to post some of the vid on hear for everyone to see. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  7. I've heard that Alaska John is an awesome FF coach. I'm considering him or the flyboyz. Both are in So Cal. I think that Alaska John is in Cal City, but I can't remember. There is probably a web site or something. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  8. NathanL100

    Home DZ

    Hollister, CA King Air & C-182 Hollister rocks so much that POP has decided to move to CA next year just so he can jump with us at Hollister. Plus we get 15,000 ft every load!!! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  9. I'm 20 too so I know what you mean, I'm the youngest one at my DZ and everyone likes to point it out, but they are just jealous b/c they wished they had started skydiving at a younger age. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  10. Living every day as if it were my last!!! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  11. What is everyone's opinion on a wingloading on a reserve that's survivable to land unconscious in these two circumstances? Landing in the middle of a big field with nothing solid to fly into. Or Flying into the side of something solid like a house, tree, wall, hill, car/van, etc....... And lets say you're flying downwind too. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  12. Umm... He is a freeflyer so I'm not sure if that will make any impression on him, but the ditching the camera thing, how would one go about testing that particular skill. Wrap a line or the bridle around the camera and tell him the fix it in 3 sec?? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  13. Yeah, I should talk to the S&TA, thanks, I know the perfect S&TA for the job too. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  14. Yo, everyone I need a little help here. There is a guy that jumps at my DZ and he wants to start jumping with a camera. He has only something like 80-90 jumps and is not very "freefall aware or heads up". What I need help with is how to tell the guy that he should not be flying camera yet and that he needs to work on becoming a better skydiver and log a lot more jumps more frequently before he starts adding more shit to the equation. I've mentioned this to the DZM and he agreed with me, but he hasn't done anything about it so, PLEASE I NEED SOME ADVICE!!!! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  15. Here is a link for anyone who is interested Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  16. All the time. A horseshoe is probably the one malfunction I'm most scaired of. I'm hardcore into freeflying and I'd hate to have a horseshoe b/c my bridle snaked its way out and pulled the pin I'd rather have a floating PUD and a total than a whole bunch of shit bouncing around on my back with the potential of my cypres firing my reserve into it. So I think I'm going to go with the pullout, but does Mirage do a pullout?? I can't seem to find anything about a pullout on their web site. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  17. ROFL!!!! Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  18. You should check w/ Olav he probably knows where you can get a big ass helmet . Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  19. Allright, so I'm totally stable in a sit and stand I can lay a SWEET base or come in and take docks on a base no problem (I think my record w/ my buddy is something like 8 docks in a dive) and now I think I'm ready to start working on my headdown!!!!!!!! I've done lots of headdown exits and I'm good at those I've also done two solo dives where I've done nothing else, but try and get vertical on my head. I can hold a heading and turn no problem and I'm totally stable, but I'm hauling ass backwards. I can't seem to get vertical and stop my backward movement w/o corking. I know that my legs aren't wide enough and I can't seem to figure out what to do with my arms. I've tried holding my arms in a delta position but that seems to make me go too fast. If I hold my arms straight out at shoulder height it seems to slow me down to a good speed, but I'm told it takes a lot of air away from my legs. Also for some reason I feel more comfortable in a daffy than in an X-man position, but everyone tells me to get my X-man before the daffy. Any thoughts suggestions? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  20. So, let me see if I've got this right. Cons: Floating PUD (which is debetable) Hard Pull (which can happen on a BOC or PUD) Mis-Routing (which is possible on all systems) PC doesn't always get clean air (again is possible on a BOC too) Pros: Less chance of a Premature Less chance of a horseshoe So both systems are fine when used correctly Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  21. I didn't think of that, but that's bad mojo on a pullout or a BOC. I was thinking more of a inflated PC in tow mal. Thanks Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  22. I could be wrong, but I thought that you physically pull the pin and then the PC inflates and pulls the d-bag from the container. So how could that produce a PC in tow? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  23. Oops, I guess that's beer. Anyway, I haven't posted in a long time and Sebazz has been after to come back and hang with all of you again. So, HELLO everyone!!!!!!! How the hell are you? Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  24. Alright, I hope I'm not posting a post thats already been debated 100 times, but I couldn't find too much useful info when I did a forum search. So I'm curious what are the pros and cons of a pullout? A horseshoe or a PC in tow are my most feared mals. They looks really secure to me, but I'm curious what all you experts think. The reason why I ask is b/c I'm buying new gear and I'm thinking of changing over. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.
  25. We will miss ya bro, see ya in a year. Oh, and I think you're in over your head taking on the Hollister boys in a drinking game. Base # 942 The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.