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    Cypres 2

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    Skydive Elsinore
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  1. Krissy, we've got 3 people that head out that way every month or so. If you'd like, give us a shout and we can car-pool (We're in the Venice Pier area).
  2. YeS!!! Good memory! It was the old bait-and-switch.. lure them in with a boogie like Chicks Rock! The "Mandy" crew is going back out tomorrow (Saturday Jan 21) to complete our student stuff. I think if we bring enough beer we'll pass.
  3. Alright, Stephane, Mandy and I are heading out Saturday 1/21 to complete our Jedi training!
  4. Outstanding suggestions Mark and Eule!! I think I'm starting to see a pattern develop. I knew there was something very special about this sport.
  5. Heh heh... Nice try Mark. You guys ROCK out at Skydive Elsinore!! Yeh, we figure Mandy is good for at least one jump per weekend with us.. depending on how good Stephane has been during the week. I don't think we could submit her to 5 belly jumps a day! You going to be around next weekend? Stephane and I have a couple quizzes to take! (I'm seeing BEER in your future )
  6. swimfly


    Love my iPod. If you spend an hour searching the forums on the internet, you will learn that there are ways around all of the 'limitations' listed in this thread. I don't blame the manufacturer for built-in controls. In fact, I commend them for making them so easy to circumvent! They did what they had to, legally, and then made it very easy to get around.
  7. Hey Jumpah, I'm a Mainah 'riginally! Gawddammah! (sorry for the inside joke for those who are not from New England) Good luck in February. To keep current, you'll have to do a jump with an instructor once, right? Cool.. at least you get to jump with someone!
  8. Hi everyone. I've now completed 20 jumps, including one with a chute I packed myself. I'm heading out to Skydive Elsinore on the 13th of January with my best friend to complete our jedi training! I hear the first 100 jumps can get a bit lonely. Nobody in their right minds wants to jump with the newbies, right? Any suggestions? Fortunately, my buddy and I are at the same level, but I'm not sure it's a good idea for us to jump together at this level. -Brian Newbegin (My friends call me "Newbe".. how fitting!)
  9. Hey, if you're in the area, try Elsinore. Great DZ for newbies! I've done 20 jumps there.