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  1. ExAFO

    Lohan tries hard

    I'd hit it, as long as I double-bagged it... Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  2. This ices it--I am leaving IL as soon as Law school is over. This state can implode for all I care. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  3. ExAFO

    The NRA

    Good luck carrying concealed...Say hi to bubba when you hit Statesville.. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  4. ExAFO

    The NRA

    What color was NYC on 9/11/2001? What happened on that day? Coincidence...??? Somehow I doubt any firearm short of something carried on a F-16 would have stopped the aircraft. Now stop changing the fucking subject. Wow... Pissy pissy, aren't we today? Hey buttpipe, my college was turned into a scene resembling Fallujah today. Stick your prissy little quips where the sun doesn't shine. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  5. ExAFO

    The NRA

    What color was NYC on 9/11/2001? What happened on that day? Coincidence...??? Somehow I doubt any firearm short of something carried on a F-16 would have stopped the aircraft. Now stop changing the fucking subject. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  6. ExAFO

    The NRA

    I just reactivated my membership. I suggest you all obtain a membership. Also, note this Link--odd, what color is IL? What happened today in IL? Coincidence?? Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  7. An interesting situation isnt it No. The Constitution protects against government instrusion. The nice part of concealed carry is "concealed." I'm not gonna worry about some mall cop figuring out if I'm packing. With the right holster and clothing, no one will know. And if they do, I'd sooner be judged by twelve than carried by six. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  8. Great. You've just listed the three soft targets these gunmen assholes will favor. "Nice soft targets, skippy--no guns in there, go right ahead!!" Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  9. Wrong. 4 dead. The thread is in the SC. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  10. How about giving everyone the OPTION to carry? Not like we'd give everyone a revolver with their Driver's license or Student ID... Give us the fucking option. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  11. And I'm sure a great portion of effete tut-tut'ing will be brought in when one realizes that this is proof: Gun Control Laws don't work. Illinoisans deserve a CCW LAW. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  12. ...and you don't think Neil's so-obvious calling-out of kallend in post #4 qualifies as that? Couldn't even wait until he posts, could you guys? The only aspect of this shooting that Kallend is an authority on would be ballistics and bullet trajectory. But that's not gonna stop him from fashioning himself an amateur "Barrister" to use the term... Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  13. Sometimes, politically, it is preferable to show your hand. It's like the stealth bomber - we wheeled that sucker out with fanfare. "Hey, world. See what we've got? You'll only see it on here, because you won't see it on radar." I wouldn't be able to resist the op to f**k with 'em. I'd leak out a "secret" video....showing this huuuuuuge catcher's mitt, being wheeled out of a hangar. We have one. It's called Kwajalein Atoll. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  14. A pre-emptive "Fuck off/shove it up your immigrant carpetbagging eliteist ass" to the Effete, psuedo-intelligentsia, stuck in the false reality of academia asswipes in Illinois who will no doubt chime in on this. Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.
  15. Wonder Woman? Mein Fuhrer! Ve cannot afford a mine shaft gap! Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.