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Everything posted by dhattrup

  1. We are officially at the bitch less, jump more stage of this thread.
  2. I was pretty sure they got a video of someone jumping w/ the sport rig on... Tdog, was that 2 thumbs up aka the guy we host the boogie for from 29-31 February each year? Just wondering.
  3. It was part of the campaign for Referendums C and D in Colorado. He did a tandem up at Mile Hi Skydiving, production did edit out the tandem master, and in some parts of the commercial (IIRC), they insert a rig on him (or maybe they had someone else jumping solo). Regardless, it wasn't him doing anything for his own reelection, but rather an attempt to pass a badly needed change to a [IMHO] stupid amendment to the CO constitution. His own election campaign ads were really funny -- he kept his campaign positive despite a lot of attack ads. The guy doesn't need to put out poseur adverts -- he's got a great CV with his businesses, political work and now as mayor.
  4. Is this where you throw a cat out from altitude and see if it lands on its feet?
  5. If they have the same training setup as when I was there, your first jumps will be out of the 182, hanging from the strut. Is it fun? Yeah, because you're going to be the one in charge for the first time. Does it scare you silly hanging off the strut for the first time? Yeah, a bit. Quickly passes though. After 3 SL, you should be live pull (if you do it all right). Now *that's* fun. You'll soon learn to love watching that wad of nylon open up over your head. First 7 jumps are from the 182, next 2 are from altitude (if you don't repeat). As I've said in other threads, Bill's got a great outfit out there, and I'd recommend them to anyone. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Oh yeah -- you'll definitely learn about line twists. You're open almost immediately after dropping off, so it winds up a bit. It ain't nothin' but a thing to kick out of them on the student rigs. Practice EPs, remember how to clear the twist, and it'll be a skill you use the rest of your jumping career.