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Everything posted by flyngsquirrl

  1. Had a toggle come unstowed on opening, line twists ensued, tried to unstow the other one but the lines were too twisted, started spinning on my back... all the while thinking "I never thought I'd have a spinning mal on this ragged-out FCI Pro 170" I kicked out of it though and didn't have to cut away, still shook me up a little bit though.
  2. Can someone post or PM me a non-attachment version of this? The attachment's blocked at my office.
  3. I'll tell you one thing, if I had done SL instead of AFF, I wouldn't have shit myself in the door when I did my hop-n-pop for my A card
  4. I have one question about the Neptune that I haven't been able to find an answer for in the archives: does anyone know if it's possible/easy to hear the canopy alarms through an RW helmet if the alti is on my wrist? I think it should be possible since my hand will be on a riser or toggle near my head anyway. One of my long-term goals for my skydiving career is swooping, and I think using canopy alarms would be a good way to practice my approaches. I like the idea of the alarms because it means I don't have to keep taking my eyes off of important things like traffic and the landing area...
  5. I've got a bunch of friends at VT and applied there myself. Any of you guys from around Richmond?
  6. What kinda points are you guys turning in practice? Not to spy, just out of curiosity
  7. I'm be representing Georgia Tech as part of their 4-way team. We've got some 2-way teams in the works too, so we'll see how that turns out.
  8. I live in Georgia, and with the exception of one pair of goggles I've gotten all my skydiving toys from either or I'd be all about supporting my local dealer if I knew of one... Paragear has the new L&B Solo and Optima in stock so I'd check there.
  9. I have an audible in my helmet, and the ground makes a pretty darn good altimiter if you learn how to gauge your altitude by looking down.
  10. I am patiently awaiting the release of the VISO. Less patiently than I was 6 months ago, but still . I really want to put it on my leg strap for 2 reasons: to have a no-moving-parts alti for 4-way that's not likely to get kicked, and to have a precise visual alti as a training tool to work on my landing approaches. I'd get a Neptune but the things are too damn expensive
  11. That sucks... what exactly happened? Slammer opening and it surged forward hard? I'd like to see that video, it just doesn't seem possible...
  12. That's pretty damn cool. It took me a couple minutes of watching it to figure out exactly what's going on, but it looks like the pilot and his wing are rotating about a center point, the pilot held at the radius of the "loop" by his mass and the wing is held by the outward lift it generates. I am pretty impressed at how long he keeps it going. I don't imagine this would be anywhere near possible with any kind of skydiving canopy
  13. I do cardio specifically for skydiving, not because it's a particularly demanding sport (unless you count me running from the plane to the packing area back to the plane because I forgot my lift ticket... again ), but because it helps me keep a clear head and stay focused when I need to. I also lift because there's always the potential of faceplanting on an off-DZ landing going downwind or something equally crappy, and being strong helps you be less likely to be injured. Granted, I tried to stay in shape before I started skydiving, I'm just more serious about it now.
  14. I have a question about brake lines. I just lengthened my lowers so I can get on my front risers without deflecting the tail, and I absolutely love the way it flies now. However, on no-wind days when I'm really trying to get that last ounce of lift out of my canopy (a Stiletto), I find that I almost have to slump my shoulders and turn the toggles upside down to get it to the static stall point. This made me curious about how swooping canopies are set up. Is there an acceptable amount of tail deflection (due to shorter brake lines) so that the pilot can still bring the canopy to its stall point as they touch down? Is the additional speed gained by being able to dive harder with the front risers more important than flying all the way to the point of shutdown (due to longer brake lines)? Or do the smaller, twitcher canopies have a shorter control range so no compromise is necessary? Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.