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Everything posted by SilentFreefall

  1. I know I will have clean up my storeage since I moved here from last year. Sorry ====================
  2. High five Mike! David and I made first two stacks and downplane. I will check up my log book to see if I did 4 stacks with him or not. I remeber my first 4 and 8 stacks with my uncle. It was about 18 years ago. Now time for us try 4 full deaf stacks.. SCRW?? not screw! Silent CRW
  3. Hey Skydeafs, The post date is July 12-17 for Skyfest. We will training on the base till last or more loads with hearing 20 way or more. 8 of us deafie! Let us go~.. no shut up and let us deafreefall......
  4. Hey I didnt know that you are already Father! yeah your job to replace the diapers while your woman sleep poor thing....
  5. OOPs not talk in freefall I speak talk on freefall with our signlaugues ...
  6. Flyangel Yes, we will be glad to have you. We posted the date July 12-17 for Skyfest. We can talk in the air in freefall . Cool , Fred
  7. Hey Skydeafs, We will have the training camp at the Spaceland Skydive this summer. We may start with SPOPS ( Silent POPS) deaf only and Any of you hearing lose your hear when you get old or punch the pencil in your ears. We will welcome you . After SPOPS we will try for the Silent Base ( deaf on the base and the hearing on outside of Deaf base). Any of you have a good idea to called the Deaf base or so. Let me know . I will post the date soon and put the article in about 5 deaf s news. Silent Freefall, Fred