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  1. I just did my levels 2 and 3, both went great, 2 nice stand up landings without any radio communication. on level 3 they let go of me for the entire freefall. i started to spin a bit but was able to stop it and pull stable. im going back for levels 4 and 5 this saturday and will hoepfulyl finish aff by sometime in the begining of next week
  2. CPI is an awesome dz, i did my first 2 tandems there, danielson is also alot of fun that is where i am doing my AFF, it is smaller but a real fun group of people.
  3. I did my AFF level 1 this morning, it was interesting. freefall went real good, everytihng went well untill pull time. I pulled fine, then nothing happened. the pilot chute was completly inflated but the pin was stuck. one of the instructors said it was really jammed in there and he had to give it a nice pull. i fell for another 1,000 feet while that happened. it was pretty scary but i cant wait to go for level 2.
  4. Im actually doing my AFF at danielson airport just becuase uconn has a club that jumps there and we get a huge discount. This summer i will be jumping at CPI though. I did my first 2 tandems at CPI and already made a few friends there. And i do have a whole case of ranon noodles in my dorn actually, haha.
  5. Hey everyone, i just thought id introduce myself. Im Brian, and a student at Uconn. I did my first 2 tandems last year, and all winter all i could think about was going again. I was instantly hooked, and new that this would become a huge part of my life. Ill be starting my AFF this weekend and iv never been looking forward to anything as much as this.
  6. Im a freshman at the University on Connecticut, Physics Major. I didnt really know what i wanted to study but i enjoyes physics so i jsut picked that. The best thing about my school is we have a skydiving club and i am going through AFF at a very low cost