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  1. Hi this is Cookie from Aerodyne's US Demo Tour! I just want to make sure you get a rig that fits, so I would like to recommend either going to your dealer, or having your rigger or at the very least someone else do the measuring for you. On our website if you go to buy the icon you will see exactly what measurements are needed. If we can help you in any way please contact us. My cell is 860.933.7666 and the e-mail: Thanks, Cookie
  2. Will, It was our pleasure to be back at Skydive New Mexico. You guys rock!!! Cookie and I are hoping to visit you soon or at least see some of you at our tour stops. Hope you guys have fun and safe summer. Enjoy your new Aerodyne system!!!
  3. The small Jet A turbines that can be put on a 206 cost 450,000 for the conversion as per Soloy with only 3000 starts between hot sections. The 4.0 quote is $150,000 and is not STCed in the US yet.
  4. Today at the Hartford AOPA expo the Cessna sales rep in front of the Cessna Diesel 172 said that Cessna has the Thielert 4.0 and is working on there own install so they can offer that engine as factory installed equipment for the 206. The Gippsland Airvan rep said that 2 airvans are being built with the Thielert 4.0 and are going to skydiving operations. How many of you operators are willing to pay $250,000 for an old converted U206F or $600,000 for a new Diesel Airvan? The POH sup for the converted 206 showed the 206 could lift probably 21 head per hour at .75 gal per head of Jet A. The Gippsland would do 20 at my estimate but with 8 per load and a nicer cabin and door.
  5. I am not jumping with it one of the tandem masters at my dropzone asked me to find out how he could. I am doing some of the rigging here and I like to do a lot of sewing so he thought maybe I could sew something together I was just wondering how to design it.Quote
  6. I have a man in town who has been waiting for our skydiving center to re-open and has asked us to jump with his wife who died of cancer last year.He wants her ashes spread over the town lake. Just wanted some suggestions on how to bring the ashes and release them.