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Everything posted by newguy1

  1. looking for just fun jumps for now. freeeflying and tandems in the future. will be hitting 200 this summer so im looking to start building something for when im ready
  2. i have a sony hc-32. i was wondering what would be a good helmet to get for that camera, and what lens and still camera? any help would be great.last time i was on here was last year so i have not updated my account so dont bash thanks for the help
  3. dieing to do a biplane jump!!! anyone know how much they are?
  4. newguy1

    who likes ups

    i have been waiting since tuesday for my rig to come back from florida. it was slated to be here friday evening, but it never showed. finally got the tracking number and found that it was sitting in some trailer at a pickup center, the next town over from mine. b ut they would not let me get it because it was sat. they told me it would be there on monday night and it is 7:45 and i still do not have my rig!!!!! all this after the rigger had it for over a month. hard lesson learned here.
  5. i guess i am just going to have to become a bigger skywhore then i already am. and try and get my c card for next year. lol
  6. thanks for the input. i dont think it's out of line yet, just getting anxious. plus i do not want to keep calling because i know they are busy this time of the year and they do not need 100 phone calls a day
  7. good question. i would also like to know if the beach will be open to any fun jumpers any of those days?and what lisence requirment
  8. i thought of that also. but you start to worry that something might be wrong with it, hopeing that if there is they would just call so i could buy a new one and get this over with. i miss my baby
  9. well i sent out mr rig to get a repack, cypress service on the 3rd of march and still have not recieved it back. last call i made they still have not got my cypress back yet. does anyone have an idea of what could be holding it up?
  11. when you read this thread and begin to realize that you are not the only one.
  12. will be visiting some family in concord n.c. this summer just curious what is the closest place to go jumping at.
  13. i have tryed just about evrythinh i can think of. tryed to get her to do a tandem she goes back and forth on the idea of it. in one year i have made 37 jumps so my balance between skydiving and her is good. we will be in fl and staying at zhills for three days so hopefully after the first she wont be ready to go. i think she might actually do a tandem i hope because then she might understand a little better.
  14. question? if there is anything i learnt so far. is that you buy beer for evrything. so will i half to buy beer when i send her packing? not that i would have a problem with it.
  15. thanks for the input. i'm just going to half to take my chances because it's already ordered it. but i will be buying a tony suit also when i get to fl in feb. thanks again.
  16. ever hear this? all you whant to do is go skydiving! thats all you care about. wha wha wha wha. anything she can do to keep me from going, it's unbelievable the extent she will go. she just might half to leave
  17. what is everyones opinion on kurupee suits against tony suit? just curious. i just bought kurupee freefly pants and i will be buying a rw suit from tony
  18. is there anyone left at home and not somewhere warm that wants to jump this weekend maybe we can get them to open? if not anyone intrested in going to crosskeys.i know lead is up for it.
  19. never mind just seen the faq. well see you guys in about three years
  20. not that i am trying to rush into anything. i was just wondering how many more jumps i need before i could make my first wingsuit jump? that shit looks like alot of fun! got to try it
  21. i need help cant decide on what i want? i did decide i will get my jumpsuit from tonysuit but cant pick what i want?
  22. i should have stayed in touch better. i am going to z-hills again in feb. i have evrything booked already if i didnt i would have went to eloy with you. hope you have a good day jumping, i will go next weekend if you want. just shoot me an emial and i will get in touch with you.
  23. you know you had a good night of drinking when you wake up the next day feeling like smashed assholes.