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Everything posted by fireemt97
So, I ended up doing the tunnel time in Vegas. I must say it was a great experience and I had lots of fun. The staff was great and Kate was a great coach and took care of me the whole time I was at Flyaway. I would recommend it to any new jumpers that are considering tunnel time. Thanks JT for hooking me up. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Question about windtunnel/coaching.
fireemt97 replied to mcezmac's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
I just did some flights in a tunnel for the first time this past Monday. I did five, three minute coached flights with video. I feel it benifited me tremendously. When I jump this weekend I have a feeling I will perform much better then I have. Had I not gotten all the coaching, my time in the tunnel would have been much more difficult and not as much fun. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP -
That was awesome. I have been to many of these funerals already. Unfortunatley, I will attend many more. Thanks for posting it. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
I'm a real titties man. Had the fake ones and they are nice but the real ones are more manuverable. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
All right, point understood. I think we are beginning to beat a dead horse here. We will have to agree to disagree or we are going to go back and forth as long as dropzone.com is on the internet. The weather in California was great also and I got only two jumps in this weekend. It was good though because it was the first jumps with my new gear. Talk to you later. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Anybody hear about a tunnel opening in Union City, CA soon
fireemt97 replied to fireemt97's topic in Wind Tunnels
Thanks Doug, I look forward to doing some time in the tunnel. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP -
I can't comment a whole lot on what happened in 1994 because I was not there and I try my best not to Monday Morning Quarter back anything where I do not have complete information. Just like I would not due to someone who decided to stay with a main that had a line snapped in stead of cut it away. I was not there and did not have all the facts. (Could be a poor example but the only one I could think off) Have you ever done a ride-a-long with any type of law enforcement? I know you said someone in your family was a cop or something? If you haven't I would suggest you do. That is if you can handle sitting in the patrol car without getting nervous. (JK) It might make you understand a few things a little better. I'm not saying it would completely or even change your view point a little, nor would I expect it to. Maybe if you understood what was dealt with on the norm you might understand why we react the way we do sometimes. I'm not justifying any illegal action that might have been done by any cop at any time. Something about dealing with people on a day to day bases when you do not know who they are or if they would like to kill you because they do not want to go to jail again. I spank my kid also, and I would be pissed if a cop tried to stop me. I hate it now that some people consider it abuse. I was spanked growing up and do not consider myself abused. That is a whole different issue though and would probably deserve its own thread. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Kick ass Phil, I look forward to checking it out. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
All I have shot as far as a 1911 is the Kimber. It was tricked out and had a trigger pull that was light as hell. I'm still waiting to get the approval from the boss (also known as wife) to buy it. I first have to buy my current duty weapon because we are getting issued new ones next month. The old one has some personal value that the wife does not understand. Hopefully some of you guys can understand it. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Ok, I can see some of your points Airman1270. Your Wal-mart example does happen but you do not read about the times the person is asked to move along. Why you ask? Because there is no report made about it and it is not printed in the newspaper. I worked in a city with a high number of homeless people in it. When they were sleeping or harassing customers they usually got sent on their way, no citation and no arrest. I can not recall ever arresting one of them because they just happened to be there. It was one of a few reasons. 1) I asked the person to move on and they refused and became combative. 2) They were intoxicated and did not have the ability to care for themselves, also known as drunk in public. For reason number two I believe it was a good thing for them to go to jail. You ask why again, I will tell you. They would get robbed of what little things they had by other homeless people and get beat up by thugs and drugies. I knew the court system would not do anything to them and they would be released when they got sober. At least they had a hot meal and a place to sleep. I can see your example with the K-9's and my agency has been spanked for that exact reason. So, I can not say a whole lot about that without talking out of my ass. Unfortunately the law is quite specific if someone should go to jail or have a ticket written. There is some instances that the option exists if a person should get a ticket or go to jail. For example, driving without a license is a misdemeanor and you could go to jail for it. In 99% of the cases they are given a ticket. Again, most people do not hear of this because no report is made and it does not make the paper. I can tell you have had a hard time letting that issue go from 1994. The way you write tells me that it still pisses you off. For example, "Fair enough. I concede you you have a better understanding of what the courts will allow you to GET AWAY WITH" and " I still believe the cop should BE SHOOT DEAD in the parking lot" Hopefully you are just saying it is fucked up and do not really wish someone dead. You sound a lot like my brother because we have discussions about this kind of stuff all the time. He is really anti-authority also. It is nice to know people can have an open discussion in this thread without getting pissed off and make attacks at people like I have seen in the Dropzone forums before. After all, we are all skydivers. Even though I disagree with Airman1270 on so many levels I would still jump with you anytime. Peace out. Mark SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Wow Airman1270. I'm hurt (Just kidding). Did you just say cops today are not educated and do not know the law? I just want to make sure I understood your post right. I have a counter argument to that. Basically I spent 6 months, five days a week learning about the law. No, It does not make me a lawyer but I think I have a better understanding then civilians walking down the street who think they understand the law because they watch T.V. (Law and Order) or read newspapers. During training it was always stressed how not to violate some random persons rights. Your examples are the text book ones they teach about. Searching automobiles without a cause and stopping somebody that has not done anything. I'm just curious, did the police reports you read during your radio career come out of newspapers or are they actually the reports as written by the person making it? If it was newspapers you only got one side of the story, the reporters. As I'm sure you know, newspapers can lean to either side of politics and make the reports the same. Again, I think the world forgets that we are people and have families. I have a son whom I want to be a role model for. How can I set an example for my family if I do not do it at work. If we can lets keep this dialog up. I'm curious to know how the other half of the world thinks. It will only make me a better law enforcement officer in the end and I think this is what most strive for, not how many people they can beat. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
I also had a line over on jump #20, which was a 3,500 hop and pop. Tried pumping the breaks which did not help. Not a lot of time though so I chopped at 2100. All ended well and I was glad to get my first one out of the way. Gave me confidence that I could handle the situation without freaking out. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Thanks for the info again. I will give him a call. I do not mind doing a few solo jumps, as long as I'm jumping. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Unfortunately, I will arrive on the 8th(Sun) leave on the 11th(Wed). I have a question maybe you can answer jtval. I looked at Mesquites web site and it said that anything other then a weekend you had to call for an appointment or something to that effect. Does that mean that usually it is not open on the weekdays unless there is a large group coming out? I will not be able to make it out on a weekend, so if that is the case I will not be able to jump. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
I'm sorry this has happened to you and this is why people think of the police the way they do. Do not let a bad apple make you think a all are like this. You did the right thing by keeping your cool. It is possible to get it into court. If they could the Rodney King tape into court, I'm sure a lawyer could find a way to get yours in. I have never tried to get someone firied up on a stop. This would be a safety issue, you never know what someone might do. I have never hated someone I have taken to jail, even the guy who was drunk and killed a man while driving. I thought he could have made a better decision then to drink and drive but he is a person. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Exactly! This will do nothing but INCREASE their power and leave little or nothing for the private citizen to do when the police over step their power, and especially since 9-11, the police are feeling their oats. Every complaint should be recognized and investigated. The Good'ol Boy network cover their tracks very well. Nothing like living in a police state when you are the police! Nothing like having power over people, bust them in the head and have a Union and a City to give them unlimited backup! I have been reading about innocent people who spend years in jail and are cleared of the crime......Why are the investigating officers, prosecutors and judges not investgated, held accountable and on trial for their mistakes? Above the law? I do not know where you are from cloudseeker but I think you are over doing it a little. Most police officers are not feeling their oats since 9/11. Most have gone about things as normal with a little extra thought about security of terrorist targets. The Good'ol Boy network is not as big as you think it is. Don't get me wrong, the Good'ol Boy network might be around in some places. I would be a fool to say that it did not. I know officers that have been fired because other officers did not cover for them during investigation. Yes, the Union will back an officer up if they are sued or a complaint is made but it is not unlimited. You loose that back up if you were not within policy for what ever reason. I do agree with you that every complaint should be recognized and investigated. But if the complaint was false we should have rights just like any other person. If I illegally detain someone without proper cause I can be sued and loose my job because I violated the persons rights. So why should I not have a right to something when someone knowingly falsely accuses me of something? I think to often people think because we are held to a higher standard then the rest of the world that they forget we have rights just like anybody else. I'm starting to go off on another path so I will end this part of the discussion. As far as people that are found guilty when in fact they are innocent, that is a whole different issue. I know personally if I put someone in jail who was innocent I would feel completely horrible. If you are going to hold investigating officers, prosecutors, and judges accountable, you need to remember that it was a jury of twelve men and/or women that help put them in jail. Should those twelve people also be held accountable? Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect system and probably never will. Until this perfect system is found this will continue to happen. It could be worse, you could be somewhere that puts you in jail without a trial at all. Keep in mind, I'm not starting an argument here, I'm just putting dialog out in the open from the other side. I find that often in these forums people get upset and act like kids when you do not agree. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
It sucks being a peace officer in this day and age sometimes. Although I have not had a complaint brought against myself, I do know co-workers that have. Some have been complete lies while others where just someone who was misinformed. Even when a police officer has been found not guilty because the stop was recorded (clear and convincing evidence), most counties will not bring charges against the person who intiated the complaint because they have bigger fish to fry. At least that is how it is here in liberal California. Having a complaint brought against an officer does cause some stress. Even though the officer is confident he was in the right, it makes you second guess yourself because you are being investigated, your life is put on hold, and you are made to look like a bad person. I do believe that a complaint process must be in place because like any other job there are police officers that do not do the right thing. I will leave my views as to what should happen to a person who filled a false complaint out of this. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
I will look into going to Mesquite. Hopefully the wives conference will last longer then it should so I will have more time in the tunnel and to skydive. HEHE SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Thanks for the info, I will definitely be going their and hopefully getting a little coaching time.
I'm going to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks with the wife on a business trip. All business for her and all play for me. I have no tunnel time but was thinking of doing it while I was there since it is close. I was looking at the web site and noticed that everybody had extremely baggy suits on. I guess this is because the tunnel does not produce the amount of wind that the newer tunnels do. Is my guess right and if so, would this still be a good tool to increase my skill in the air? Any input would be great. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
The army (well at least my unit) just dosen't care!!!
fireemt97 replied to gofast_ER's topic in The Bonfire
Been there also brother. Got called up to deploy in the middle of the night and did not leave for another 5 days. Where was my wife? Hanging out at our home while I was locked down on the base doing nothing. We finally left three days before Christmas and a day before my parents showed up for Christmas. It sucks but now it is no big deal. Thanks for your service and get me your address when you get their. I will send you and some of your Squad some good shit. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP -
Just don't go to Broadway St. Not a good place for a pretty girl to go, especially at night. Lots of feaks and things, unless you like that kind of thing. I can tell you all the places to stay away from if you go there. I used to be law enforcement in the area. Send me a message if you want to know more. Do not get me wrong, the city is a nice place but can dangerous if you go to the wrong areas. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Army, from 1994 to 2000. 91B which is now a 91W Combat Medic. Permanent stations where Ft. Bliss Texas and Camp Casey Korea but was deployed several times to Saudi and Kuwait. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
I had a malfunction on Jump #20. It was during my 3,500 Hop and Pop of all things. I did my emergency procedures like I was trained from day one and everything turned out just fine. In fact, my landing was the most accurate and soft one I had up to that date. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
Any other skydiving EMT's/Paramedics?
fireemt97 replied to everymansaved's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
I just recently got into skydiving and find my self bringing my BLS bag with me most of the time. I'm currently a medic in training and agree with some of the others that I will only provide BLS services. In sue happy California the laws are not so forgiving. Running a bolus line is more then a hand slap, it will get your license revoked. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP