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Everything posted by MrGrinch

  1. Lindt is so far my favorite chocolate. You can get it at alot of places. I've seen it at Vons even some Target stores.. Visit to find a store that has it (select All locations with Lindt). Ghiradelli is very good as well. When I lived in San Francisco it was alot of fun to visit Ghiradelli's. They had the best sundaes.
  2. MrGrinch


    Piercings are fun. I've stayed away from anything visual as I like to look normal. I've only got 4 right now but thinking about getting some more. My favorite right now is my 8ga Apadravya (basically a vertical barbell though the head of the penis). Probably going to get that stretched to a 6ga barbell. Kinda thinking about getting a Frenum ladder but might just break the whole looking normal thing and getting my ears pierced (eventually want to get some medium sized plugs). So yes you could say I like piercings, MrGrinch
  3. No, I think it's the WMD that we've been looking for. Thank god we finaly found it!!!
  4. I want to donate as many organs, etc as I can. Then I'd like to be buried under a tree in a forest somewhere. I figure that I might as well be compost instead of taking up space and having to pay for it as well. Also forests are way more beautiful than any cemetery I've been to. Doubt it would happen though as I'm sure they have laws about where bodies can be buried. Mr.Grinch
  5. My question is did the relay operator (dunno the term for whomever relay's your typed messages) actually call her a bitch? That must be fun for them I remember an interview on NPR with a relay operator and they were saying that the strangest conversations they have are phone sex ones. Must be strange to be talking dirty to someone even though you don't know them. I guess it's no different than working for 1-900-sexfiend. Is there a specific reason why someone would hang up on a relay call? Is it the lag involved when going through a relay operator? Mr.Grinch
  6. hi, fellow newbie here. I'd like to second the recommendation to get "Parachuting: The Skydivers Handbook". I found it very helpful as it's filled with tons of information and is easy to read. Reading the Parachuting: The Skydivers Handbook gave me a good understanding of alot of the basic terms, ideas, etc so I could better understand posts here about more advanced stuff. I found that using the search function often helps as well as reading the new posts here on Most questions have been asked by other people and by keeping up on the various threads you'll learn more and more. I usually use the search function to find old posts about terms on concepts that pop up as you read. This takes time but you'll learn quickly. My 2 cents, MrGrinch
  7. Another good piece of audio ripping software is called exact audio copy although itunes, etc will work.
  8. Thanks for the tip. Just to clarify is there a way to search the body of the post as this seems like it will only search the subject. Handy hint just the same. MrGrinch
  9. One cool thing that might help is they have grounding straps that don't need to be grounded to bleed off static charges. They don't need to be plugged into anything. You just wear the grounding strap and it has a small box on it that dissipates the charge. They're not cheap ($20) and look dorky but I figured I might mention it. I have one but as I don't have carpet nor live in a area that promotes building up a static charge I can't tell you how well they work. You could look it up online. As far as erotic uses of TENS devices it's quite fun. Kinda like having a vibrating feeling inside (not the best description but oh well). Even better than using a TENS are the custom boxes to do E-Stim. A NSFW (as they are sex toys) link follows: Erostek makes the best boxes FYI. exposing my self as a sexual deviant but oh well, MrGrinch
  10. Hi, New to this board and the software it uses but have been using the search feature alot. One thing that I notice this software doesn't have is the ability to return the results of searches by thread. Currently you get every post that has your search terms in it including multiple posts in a single thread. This makes it very hard to read up on previous threads like we newbies should before posting. I don't know if it's a limitation in the software or what but this feature would be very nice. If i'm wrong and there is a way to return search results by threads please let me know!! Thanks, Paul
  11. Yeah I got video and stills done. video is online here:
  12. Hi, Did my first tandem about two weeks ago and got hooked on it. Wanted to do another jump but my friends didn't have money to do it and they were driving :( I've been thinking about getting my A lic 24/7 since. I've been reading everyday, etc so I'm learning quickly. I'm thinking about doing another tandem this week with a different friend who's always wanted to go. Unless I change my mind I'll probably do AFF or AFP this summer and go for it! I'm sure I'll post a bunch of questions but I'll search first. One thing about the search funtion on this site is that it's much different that other search functions of forums I've been on. The main problem is that it won't return the results as a list of threads, it only returns posts. This makes it hard to read every thread about a search subject as there is alot of results from posts in a threads so going through 20+ pages of results is a real pain in the ass. Am i missing some option on the search page? Thanks, Paul