I am sure that I will be branded an a-hole or chastised for stating fact but here goes.
No I do not think that they are closing. I saw that they were in foreclosure and checked on this myself after reading about it in the Cedartown Standard.
A lot of money is owed on the property and payments are evidently behind. I talked to the Herring group (The party that is attemping to make themselves whole by foreclosing) and spoke to Milton Herring who said that he has been ask to put off the foreclosure until the first of May. By then he says Greg Dowdy will have to make good on this debt but Mr. Herring is as of now foreclosing the first of May unless Mr. Dowdy pays.
Milton Herring states that he is more than happy to speak with anyone who is interested in the now rescheduled May 1st foreclosure.
I hope this puts it all to rest.