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Everything posted by Johnnysgirly

  1. ok...if it's for christmas. how do you like my bows?
  2. Isn't the 100th supposed to be naked??
  3. Yeah, but at least your willing too!
  4. I agree. If I'm going to post, shouldn't everyone else?
  5. Wonder if this thread will get locked?? We are talking about skydivers though...not real porn.....
  6. Yeah, freaky....something Spalding right?
  7. .....HEY JOHN!!! oops was that out loud
  8. Thats that freaky clown from the Rob Zombie movie right?.....Yeah the bf thought I might get some uh....negative feedback. I don't care, don't see others posting so.....
  9. Just by luck My bf and I took some this morning. Otherwise, I wouldn't have any. Wish I wasn't the only one posting.......My hair sucks in these...just got out of the shower. Alyssa
  10. Bump ....come on...I can't be the only one who'd post on here. Alyssa
  11. so...good enough to be a stripper?