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Everything posted by Babi

  1. This is interesting for me, because English is not my native language. I had to learn it the hard way, in school in later through practice. I found that English language has so many exceptions that the best way is just to learn it the correct way. The trouble is that so many English speaking people do not speak correct English and we learn from them. If you think English is difficult, try learning Slovene. We have a dual (singlular, duel and plural), we have declinations which cause the end of the word to change, inclusive of names, everything that in English is "it" has a gender in my language. So, be lucky you speak English. It is a very beautiful language and I love it.
  2. I had a rough landing last Sunday and although my helmet protected my head from some damage, full face one would protect my face and eyes. I decided on open face helmet because I am clostrophobic, but in view of my recent experience I decided to deal with this and buy a full face one. I need your opinions on the helmets you use, cons and pros.
  3. Babi

    stock canopy

    I've asked for discount and I am waiting for a reply. I am sure that dealers buy stock so that they can make an instant sale and assure a deal form themselves. They don't buy at the same price as we do. I suppose I shall have to weigh between an instant purchase in mid season or my own colors and waiting time. I've decided that only a nice discount would go in the favor of an instant purchase.
  4. Babi

    stock canopy

    My thoughts precisely. If it was only a financing issue, than it is OK, but I have no way of knowing whether it was kept stored properly or not. The manufacturers are more likely to store canopies properly than the dealers. I was hoping for a reply like: canopies are like cars, the MFD matters, but I did not get it. I know someone who bought a 10 year old brand new canopy for a fraction of its original value, but the lines broke on his first jump. But... I've been following classifieds for over a year now and it seems that there are two factors that determine a fair price: 1) age of a canopy, 2) number of jumps. So how come all of a sudden age does not matter and canopies do not age??? And what about reserves that are hardly ever used yet they do depreciate??
  5. Babi

    stock canopy

    I've received an offer from a dealer for a one and a half years old canopy, never used, for the same price as a brand new custom made one. Is this a fair offer?
  6. This was probably discussed before at some point in the past, but maybe, with all the canopy collisions that have happened lately, it should be again. What color or combination of colors do you think is best so that other jumpers can notice you, and what are the worse. I think light blue is the most difficult to spot against the sky, and dark color against the ground. If this thread belongs to Gear and rigging, by all means move it there.
  7. I started the theme on different rules at different DZs in my thread "What would you do", and hope I don't sound boring, but I think it would really be a good idea that each DZ would publish their rules. To start with they could include those rules in their webpage. As for telling everybody that a person is going to open high, we know that this does not always happen. With so many canopy collisions lately some serious new rules should be set out.
  8. Bad choice of words, sorry. We were standing ON THE SIDE OF the plane, in front of the door. The order was fixed as far as I knew and the person that was supposed to jump after me knew my opening altitude, which was high (1400 m - trying new canopy). But the order was not followed. I assume there must have been some discussion on the plane between the three of them, as the freeflyer jumped last and the two jumpers followed me. So there could not have been enough communication. I am speculating, but I doubt that the freeflyer managed to tell the two guys about my opening altitude. Just the scenario that I was warned against. Still, next time I shall try to convey my message. Before my first jump at this DZ I was briefed on winds, landings and separation time,which was 4 seconds. I was sick and I missed one day and then I heard unofficially, after that jump, that the separation was 3 seconds. I'd rather see this in writing.
  9. Thank you guys for taking the time to answer. I was told that in the plane you never discuss the order of exit or what you will be doing in the air. This should all be done before, on the ground. I guess in this situation if would be better to discuss it. The order of exit differs from DZ to DZ. I think it would not hurt if this was printed and posted somewhere at the DZ and visible to all. Maybe a compulsory separation time as well??
  10. Being new in the sport I tend to do what I see others do, so sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't (when it was hot). From now on I am going to wear my helmet every time on take off.
  11. Imagine: You are in a group of about 10 skydivers, the plane takes 14, gathering in front of the plane and discussing who is doing what in the air, the opening altitudes and so on and an order of exit is determined. Then just as the first jumper wants to enter the plane, two other jumpers, who did not participate in the discussion, cut in and enter the plane first. With engines on it is impossible to hold a conversation in the plane and they speak a foreign language. According to the original plan you are supposed to be out one before last. What would you do?? Would you abort the flight?? How many of you have actually done it?
  12. Babi

    Flat Vrs PRO

    I find that with flat packing I can extract more air from it and can pack it smaller volume and this way it is easier to get into the bag as well as close the container. Flat packing is also a lot easier with larger canopies.
  13. I also think it is a bit too loud. No way can you ignore it in the air. There is a reason for it. I don't rhink there is a setting for loudness. Any comment from the manufacturer?? Presuming they read the forum.....
  14. Thank you Paul. I overlooked your post the first time around. Do you have any more details on how it is actually done? I don't mind a long and windy road. Trying to outsmart the customs has become a sport in itself. With almost 40% on top (custom duty and the VAT) it is hard to resist not to try.
  15. Thank you Drew. So, not only does US have petrol products that are dirt cheap, you also have 0 to 10 % VAT compared to our 20????? No wonder everybody wants in!
  16. Being on the subject of US purchase for EU destination. Is there a tax refund service in the US for new stuff that you take to EU or any other non US country. EU has had this service in place for as long as I remember, so it would seem rather strange if US does not.
  17. This subject is getting more and more worrying for me. It seems there are no clear unified rules about it, and if they are, they are frequently broken. I have started a similar post at my home skydiving www after a jump where I refused to jump because I didn't see the landing zone due to a thick cloud. The DZ was near the sea and I am still a novice with very limited canopy abilities. The pilot was kind enough to give me another chance and I jumped below the cloud. I was told (and this has been often stressed here as well) that each skydiver is responsible for his/her spotting. I have two issues: 1. If each jumper spots individually, how long would it it take for let's say 20 jumpers to leave a fast plane?? This is simply not done. In the four or five seconds between the jumps I CANNOT sufficiently survey my area of view. 2. The area on the opposite side of the door cannot be observed. What if another plane is coming from that direction??? So it would be logical to me that a pilot would take some responsibility. He has the instruments, he is in contact with ground control and is probably made aware via radio of other air crafts in the area, whereas we can only rely on our visual abilities and limited view.
  18. Thank you for that explanation. I was wondering the same. Is there a reason why the bag is not attached to the reserve like it is to the main?
  19. I don't know where it would be appropriate to post this so ... I've been receiving some viagra promotional emails to my DZ e-mail address. Is there any way to stop this??. Is this not a miss use of DZ email accounts?? Is there a filter installed for unwanted email??
  20. Last year, almost to the date, I made my first jump. It is still engraved in my mind like it was yesterday. I, too, took long time to jump. I froze and even argued with my JM to wait a bit. I know that had I jumped when he told me to, I could not make it as good as I did. Maybe you rushing the second jump was the reason for your injury?? The C-172 is the scariest plane there is, but in my mind still the best for SL jumps. Some of us just need that little extra time to re compose our thoughts and I think the JM should take this into consideration. Maybe taking just one first time jumper at a time. Although I was told what to expect up there, I think it would help if I was shown some footage of the actual jump WITH SOUNDS and if I was told just how very windy it is up there. These two things took me by surprise and I froze. I've heard worse stories since. One (now experienced jumper) actually rode the wing for full circle while the plane had to turn back to the DZ, refusing to either let go or climb back into the plane. If you have a video of your two jumps, watch them over and over. It will turn your stomach around for the first 100 times, but when you stand on the strut next time, you'll be cool.
  21. Babi

    new discipline??

    Static line attached to free bag. Like the very first jump on SL routine.
  22. Babi

    new discipline??

    Hi! I didn't know where to post this. I am pretty new to this sport and got used to not being overly surprised at some oddities. But … Last Sunday I was jumping at a different DZ in the neighbouring country. There was a group of parachuters there who were jumping SL-free bag only, from 2.000 m. Is this some kind of new discipline?? I was told by a guy from the DZ that some of them have nearly 100 jumps. I tried to strike a conversation with one of them while we were packing rigs and I could not get passed the weather. Very closed group!
  23. I used to have line twists all the time and I swore that I was stable when I opened. When I saw my video, I had to change my mind. Now I concentrate real hard on my movement on opening. I have a different rig, a smaller one that is narrower in the shoulder area. This helps a lot.
  24. Babi


    Thank you for the advise. "Feet on the butt" is what I was forgetting and I must keep this in mind. I shall try also the arms, but I think I am already doing it.