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  1. find another DZ..... total bullshit
  2. legal jumping in rotterdam during the gofast xdays =]
  3. never had any flap open what ever move i made, but made only 200 jumps on it. to be honest no I had one cutaway on it with rsl and it obviously worked. I pulled the reserve twice while on the ground ( repack) and it opened fine. I never doubted it, but i dont know if RWS approves of the mods done. Do you know?
  4. had one myself and never had a problem. It was modified tho. velcro replaced by tabs on the riser covers, tabs on the reserve flap, tabs on the main pin protection flap and velcro on the inside of the closing flap on the right and on the part of the bridle that would fit under there. never had any flap open what ever move i made, but made only 200 jumps on it. so whatever you are comfortable with =]
  5. you might take a look here http://www.paraavis.com/en/parachutes/rigs/atmosphere/ free base :)
  6. Jhoek

    valley weather

    hehe relax guys
  7. Jhoek

    valley weather

    hiya im heading to the valley next weekend, any locals or people who just left or still there who can tell me about the weather? I cant get a better overview then the weather in interlaken. Is the waterfall coming down nicely?
  8. I paid 25% of the total amount to get a rig to the netherlands. So if you want to get it send in without using some tricks you`ll be paying a lot