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Everything posted by DeVoll
Please school me on the facts... you have yet to do so.
Pay no attension to the liberals behind the curtane!!!! I love it when they wont respond to facts.
And what are the illiterate voting on these days? Yup, you got that one nailed. I always love how liberals ask a question to answer another question. Damn do you all have any answers???? "change" What kind of change??? "change" What do you want to change???? "change" Can you answer any questions? "change" You sure are bright!!!
It is amazing how ignorant the average liberal is. It is straight up bumper sticker politics. Everbody kept saying they wanted more people to vote. Now the ignorant is voteing based apon bumperstickers. Ignorance is bliss. Dumb liberals.
By how much did the mean temperature increase over the past fifty years? What about the past twenty-five years. It's important to look at proper intervals and examine higher derivatives of the average temperatures, otherwise we end up with data that is nearly meaningless. You are correct that the data you did/didn't provide is useless. Let me give you a hint. In the last 50 years the liberals have gone from global warming to global cooling back to global warming. You tell me about useless data, try talking to the liberals about made up data.
And what would you expect from a liberal city???? You might want to check out what the DNC and Denver have come up with for their convension
First i would like for you to tell me how global warming is a major issue when the av. anual temp has only risen 1.4 F in the last century.
The cool thing is that i have someone i pay to do comp. classes so i dont have to. Maybe your ignorant source failed there reading class. You are incorrect. If you would open your eyes and actually read my post you would have seen some facts. Such as the temp has only risen 1.4 F in the last century. Damn facts suck dont they. So were is Al Gore with his lies know??? Ignorance is bliss. Do some fact checking. CNN is a left leaning web add. congress voit to goto war as did Bush. every other country beleived the same thing as Bush. Sadams highest personel beleived he had WMD. Try reading a little, and no i am not talking about your college news paper made by Mr Liberal proffesor. Its ok that is something that happens when you are learning rather than going along with the flow of your liberal professor. Do know Kallend personally?????
I am one of the most open minded people you will ever talk to!!!! Please ask anybody that knows me. I am open to a conversation that is presented by another open minded person, not the typical ignorant person that will answer your question with another question. And i meant their. But that is my point, you knew what i meant and instaead of contributing to the topic at hand, you chose to point out what everbody else already knew. I CAN NOT SPELL. No shit sherlock!
Not like you could change your mode of transportation. You and rhys sure are bright Me and my wife both drive very big veh. (navigator and F250 truck) Just cuase you may see someone in a big vehicle does not mean that is all that ever drives in that veh. Just cuase i dont have my wife and 3 kids with me when your sweating bullets thinking of how much gas/ diesel we are burning, does not mean squat. So take a breath and think about the fact that just cuase you can get away with a pinto / Geo does not mean everyone can
If you would check your facts you would find out that the US is one of the most giving/donating countrys in the world. If not the most. Try again. And it's citizens kill each other at a higher rate than any other western industrialized nation. ATTENTION ALL KALLEND HAS MADE AN IGNORANT COMENT (go figure) That has no a damn thing to do with this coment. I said they are giving/ caring people. If you want to start that talk then take if to another thread and i will school you on how the libs. are to blame for that and illegal imigration
Yes i am and no i dont give a damn about the animals in Africa. That is there problem! We have enought problems in the US like trying to get liberals to open there eyes and bring facts to conversations. You call me what ever you what just remember who the ignorant broke person is. And i dout you could get a job where i work cuase i own the place and i dont hire loud mouth punks Better luck elsewhere.
I was talking F not C so go ahead and keep changing the facts. Hey Mr grammer you see that little "?" symbol. Do you know what that means????? That means that this one guy is not even sure on his own quote of temp. OMG you mean this one guy does not even know if his made of info is true or not that he is preeching about at an enviromental convention???? This is one persons opinion. Try bringing facts to the table.
Judging by your picture i will bet i am a little older than you I was speaking of lib scare tactics in the fact of my post about there ignorant view on global warming. Spelling and grammar has never made me a dollar, but i am very well off. So you keep concentrating on spelling and gram. and i will keep making money I know what i am talking about. If you have any facts on the subject then please present them. Otherwise i know i cant spell so your job is done.
It wasn't until I started skydiving that I realised how thin the atmosphere actually is, while at 15000' We need oxygen to breath properly, the horizon is still flat and the ground is relatively close compared to the size of the earth. Bearing this in mind and looking at the pollution in large cities and the thickness of the haze that IS Manmade It is quite obvious that the discharge we all produce on different levels is in fact effecting our sensitive atmosphere. If you cannot grasp this then you are an idiot. And what evidence have you presented???? Ohh none. All any of us can base BS global warming is on ignorant liberal money motivated scientist. If yolu would have read the other web adds. you would have seen that the earth has only risen 1.4 F in the last century. That is fact. So how much are we causing????? How long have car and air plains been around??? Figure out our min. impact yourself. I gues you should quit driving and skydiving so you can save earth...
Awl wee our sayeen iz giv spelchek a chanz. I love it when someone with out facts has to prove themselves correct on spelling or grammer. Spell check on here locks my PC up. You are so smart by noticing that my facts are mis spelled
Very well said. Unfortunately some will never check facts or listen to common sence.
Try this site Maybe you should check facts before blaming the whole human race
So what is your point?? In this great country we call that personal choice. It is a great thing. And i thought you were jokeing, but know i know you are serious.
Becuase giving and donating is not done throught taxasion!!! It is a personal choose. And the US is the leader in giving by choose not by manditory taxes. Ignorance is showing we have no such, we are an all volintary military. Keep guesing
I would love to. I've always wanted to experience life in a free country. Unfortunately, I've lived in the US all my life, so I haven't had that opportunity. Congradulations you have posted one of the most ignorant post ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You being from USA can pretty much travel to and live in most countrys in the world. Please do move if you do not understand how good of an opertunity you have in the US. Make the US a better country! Please.
Why... yes it does....I suppose this is just another left wing propaganda site too... Sometimes yall make this just to easy... Yes cbn is left leaning, but i guess that whould be hard to notice when you refer NY times as creditable First off Al gore please, i dont even need to comment about his agenda to sell carbon credits Then there is Sharpton, he is a lieing rasist bigot. I would not trust his opinion for anything, Then the whole article is about Not what i posted on "your ignorant enviromental leaders saying that the world is going to end and we are the cuase!!!! TRY THAT READING THING!!!!!
I would think you Fringe Right Wing types would be more in step with the fascist goose stepping stuff you ate up as scare tactics the last 7 years... There you go with the typical liberal answer " I cant answer your question and still be correct so i will present another statement that someone can answer instead of them noticing that i did not answer their question" I cant present facts while aswering the question at hand then start another thread.
If you would check your facts you would find out that the US is one of the most giving/donating countrys in the world. If not the most. Try again.
Socialism is what makes a good country run, capitalism makes a shitload of cash for a few and fuck all for most. You'll find the standard of living much higher in sweden and norway than it is in america. gas is more expensive there than anywhere in the world but they also earn more and pay more taxes. the whole "I wanna pay less tax and less for fuel and fuck anyone else" attitude in the USA is holding the country back. If all 300+ million people in the US would actually start giving a shit abpout each other then the country would truly be great. OMG ignorance shows!!!! The countrys you speek of have some of the highest taxes around. Maybe you should move there. I promise the USA is a better place to live than ethier.