From: Aerograd Reception []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008 8:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: DZ
> Dear friends!
> As you probaably know - russian skydiving community was
> experiencing difficulty in organizing of jumps and flights
> during last week. The main obstacle is Defense Minister, who
> personaly supress flight of all sport planes - like
> skydiving, aerobatics and so on. At this moment we can't
> definiteley know the exact day we will start to jump again.
> Maybe - it will be tommorow, maybe in a week or maybe in a
> couple of weeks.
> We will keep you in touch with details to make your decision
> to come to our DZ or not easier. If you have any questions -
> fill free to ask me or Andrew Gromozdin
> ( - we will be glad to answer you.
> We are very sorry about this sad news but looking forward optimistic.
> We hope to see you on our DZ very soon and have a great skydive!
> We wait your answer about visiting our DZ.
> Aerograd Kolomna