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Everything posted by RickH

  1. We are getting closer....don't forget to pre-register, those who do are gonna get a prize!!!! See ya'll there!!!
  2. Skydive Air Adventures in Clewiston, Florida is proud to announce the "Everglades Boogie"! January 28- February 1, 2010. Aircraft: 2 Super Otters Skyvan Pitts Special Bi-Plane (WFFC Fred Cabanas) Bell 407 Helicopter For you non jumpers: L-39 Jet and Extra 300. Organizers: Guy Wright, Dr. Pete, Luis Prinetto, Ari Perelman. and many more! Wingsuit: Jeff Nebelkopf Camping available on site....Party all night with live entertainment, Free beer, bonfires, BBQ, raffles and giveaways! All the industries top vendors will be there...Demo's from all the best! Register now...$35.00. Call 1-800-533-6151, www.skydivefl.com. Make your Hotel reservation< Roland Martins Marina and Tiki Bar 1-800-473-6766 Come to Florida's biggest boogie!!!! See ya"ll there!!!
  3. We at Skydive Air Adventures strive very hard to please all of our customers, however from the remarks posted it is obvious that we did not please this individual, and we apologize for that. We would be honored to have you and yours at our facility, please visit our website www.skydivefl.com and you can call me personally on my cell phone 863-599-9187 and i would be happy to answer any of your questions. Rick Hornsby DZO
  4. Skydive Air Adventures in Clewiston, Florida will be freeflying Memorial day weekend with Luis Prinetto. Don't miss this opprtunity to jump with one of the best! 1-800-533-6151 www.skydivefl.com
  5. Jeff Nebelkopf will be assessing your wingsuit skills for an opportunity to be part of a 100 way wingsuit record attempt in Skydive Elsinore on November 7-14, 2009. May 16-17 at Skydive Air Adventures in Clewiston, Fl. If you are wanting to learn or brush up your skills with one the best in the world, come join us! B.B.Q. and beer!!!! 1-800-533-6151
  6. "Everglades Boogie".....January 28-February 1st-2010 Skydive Air Adventures, Clewiston, Florida. Alot of planes (otters, skyvans, l-39 jet, pitts bi-plane-same plane from the convention, helicopter, balloon, parties, live band free beer, etc.) Come join the fun!!!!!
  7. Skydive Air Adventures is celebrating the delivery of their full time Super Otter. May 2-3, Saturday we will have a 4 way Scrambles Competition with prizes and awards, Saturday night a "Louisiana Style Crawfish Cookout", and Sunday "Big Ways" with Lyle Presse. Come join us for the fun!!! 1-800-533-6151, See ya'll there!!!
  8. We at Skydive Air Adventures would like to thank all of you who attended our event and appreciate the support that was given. You helped make this event a tremendous success. With over 2000 skydives made in 5 days we were most proud that their were no ambulance rides. At times it was a little overwhelming watching otters, skyvans, helicopters, jets, and biplanes filling the sky with canopies, but the organizers, staff and mostly you kept it safe. Thank you again, and we promise to work hard to make next years event even better.
  9. The D.Z. in the Keys is still there and they are operational (Sugarloaf), they are a C-182 operation and they do mostly tandems and require a D-license (i think). If you are in the South Florida area between the dates of Jan. 22-26 come to the Everglades Boogie, at Skydive Air Adventures www.skydivefl.com
  10. The Pitts and the helicopter will be here on Friday. The cost of the Pitts is as follows: Jump only- $100.00, Jump w/ photos $150.00, Jump, photos, and aerobatics $185.00, he will take you to around 4000 ft. go inverted you hang on to a bar that is attached to the wing he takes photos and you drop off. The Bell 407 helicopter holds 5 jumpers and you will go between 5000 and 6000 ft. The cost has not yet been determined. I will post prices hopefully tonite. Hope to see you here!
  11. We are very excited to have added to our list of aircraft that will be attending: Pitt Special Bi-Plane, this is the same plane that flew in The World Freefall Convention, and like you, I look forward to doing an aerobatic roll, loop and hammerhead, being flipped upside down, hang off the wing and get my picture taken before I drop into freefall!!!! YAHOO!!! We will see you there!
  12. Go check out our website...www.skydivefl.com, click on "Everglades Boogie", and it will list all of the hotels in the area and the rates..the cheapest hotel is The Travelers Inn @$59.00 per night. We also have on sight camping available, we have showers and restrooms on sight...if you need anymore assistance contact us @ 1-800-533-6151 or e-mail us @rick@skydivefl.com...See ya' there!!!
  13. Just a couple of weeks away.....have you registered? Contact Air Adventures at 1-800-533-6151. See ya' there!!!! Live entertainment nightly, BBQ's, bond fires, free beer...world class organizers. Don't miss it!!!
  14. January 10, 2009 at sunset. We will be departing Skydive Air Adventures in Clewiston, flying to Ft. Myers Beach and jump onto the Holiday Inn Beach. Have dinner, drinks and enjoy live music on the beach at the Tiki Bar. Stay the night, fly back & jump in the morning at Air Adventures. Requirements: C-license or higher( at least 50 jumps in last 6 months) Price: $160.00/ person(includes 2 jumps and transportation) Rooms: $98.00(based on double occupancy) We have 7 available slots on our otter!!!! Call 863-599-9187, or Air Adventures 1-800-533-6151.
  15. We will be hosting a swoop competition (Florida Canopy Pilot Assoc.) www.cpafl.org, January 17, which is the weekend before the boogie, come out and compete or watch!
  16. You can go to our website @ www.skydivefl.com or we would be happy to do it for you if you would like to call instead. Thanks!
  17. Anyone ever jump out of a Turbine Caribou????? We are currently speaking with the owners of the Aircraft and are in hopes our dates will be favorable...we will keep you posted. Our vendor list keeps growing and registration has already begun, we are very excited about this year's event!
  18. Jeff Nebelkopf will be organizing the wing suit jumps.
  19. We already have E.G. Suits who is coming with his gang, we have contacted Tony Suits and have not received a committment as of yet....I am sure there will be plenty of wingsuit jumps to be made!!! I am personally looking forward to that. Rick
  20. Air Adventures of Clewiston is gearing up for its annual "Everglades Boogie". January 22-26 We will have a vast array of planes ( Otters and Skyvan), and also balloons, helicopter and much more to jump from! We will also have an Extra aerobatic plane for exciting rides, including a Mig L-39! Organizing will be with Roger Ponce and Guy Wright and others, and Luis Prinetto will be offering his freefly skills. We have a great list of sponsors and manufacturers that is growing fast including: Performance Designs, UPT, Liquid Sky, Skyillusions, Flexvision, Alti-2, E.G. Suits, The Harry Parker and more. Prize giveaways, live music, barbecue, beer and fun. On site camping is available. Contact Skydive Air Adventures- 1-800-533-6151
  21. My wife and I own Skydive Air Adventures, where Jeb and Luigi made the "Today Show" jump. Let me first say that it was our pleasure and honor to be the host D.Z. but more than that it was truly and honor to be in the company of Jeb and Luigi. These two are truly an asset to our sport, what they both have been able to accomplish through their hard work and intestinal fortitude should be admired by all. Luigi did jump the JVX-37 and it was truly amazing watching him land, he made several practice jumps for the several days he was at our D.Z. I am a fan of both, and wish them success.
  22. Hey Marine, It will be great to see all of the gang back home again! Can't wait to see you all.... Semper Fi! Rick and Lisa
  23. Super Otter is here and will be with us for the winter season,provided by Skydive New England. The D.Z. is under new ownership and has been given a complete face lift, come check us out!
  24. Skydive Spaceland Clewiston has been in the same location for over 30 years with one of the best safety records in the industry. We are surrounded by 2 square miles of airport and endless acres of sugar cane fields so landing obstacles are few and far between. Lake Okeechobee, the United States second largest freshwater lake, is located 4 miles north of our drop zone and presents a spectacular view and gorgeous scenic backdrop. Friends and family are encourage to come and watch the skydiver’s as they board the aircraft, fly to 14,000 feet, and land in front our spectator viewing area. We are within driving distance from the Palm Beaches, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, Naples and surrounding areas. Tandem skydivers must be at least 18 years of age, with photo ID, and weight restrictions do apply. Call today or book your skydive on-line anytime and join us for the thrill of a lifetime! We are open Thursday-Monday (closed Tuesday and Wednesday) and suggest on-line reservations to guarantee availability.