I am in need of advice. I made the switch from a Vengeance 135 to a Specter 150 this past year. I loved my Vengeance, but due to some issues that PD could not resolve they kept it the last time I sent it back for inspection and when they called me to find out if I still wanted another Vengeance I told them to ship me a Specter instead. I loved my Vengeance... once and if it opened properly it was a joy to fly. The Specter opens so beautifully, but is a dread for me to fly. I made the switch because I've never been a good canopy pilot and I just wanted to find a canopy that would be forgiving. I've been working on some flat turns under my Specter, haven't gotten in to the front risers yet because I'm still trying to find the point where I can plane out my Specter before the flare.
I am 190 out the door, not a small girl by any stretch of the imagination, and I am committed to becoming a good canopy pilot so any advice that is given would be a great help.