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    I forget!
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    Freefall Photography
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  1. Get your butts there people! Beer, helicopter, Luau Girls... WHO'S COMING WITH ME?!
  2. Who's going? Check out the event on November 9th-12th Can't wait!!!
  3. Agreed, easiest way to do a two way hybrid.
  4. That would of worked if we had planned it and if she was wearing a weight belt. Don't know if the belt would support 260lbs of weight though.
  5. Had a buddy of mine do a impromptu hybrid from a 2way RW. Grips were at the chest strap and hip ring and it was turning like a mofo, so I guess you can say it was unstable. I'm guessing double grips on a chest strap would the best bet. Grips on hip rings would probably make it back slide.
  6. I'm def coming down there for some skydiving. Can't go BASE jumpin unless someone has a 310 I could borrow
  7. Thanks guys for answering my question... We went from harness shift to ghey risers and then to flop and pops... AWESOME!
  8. K. I actually have 27" risers because I'm pretty tall and fly camera. I think that leaning forward would be an inaccurate description of what I want to do in the harness. Does sweeping the legs back help? I'm sure it does because it reduces drag.
  9. I put about 20-30 jumps on my Katana 120 (loaded at 2.0) and I've only been doing slow 180's, loading to one side and stopping the turn with input on the other front riser. I stay on both for a couple seconds and then going to rears. Does it help to lean forward in the harness at the top of the dive to assist with building up speed?
  10. There is no reason to cut down anyone for what discipline they choose in the skydiving community. I do stress the word 'community' since we are a dynamic group of people and I personally try to get to know everyone I can regardless of how they want to descend to the Earth.
  11. You wouldn't happen to have a picture of what your slider catcher looks like. I'm interested in seeing it.
  12. When you buy a new canopy, what do you guys suggest as a safe progression to do hook turns? i.e. Double Fronts, 90, 180, 270 I want to improve my accuracy as well as my technique in building up speed while being as safe as possible.
  13. I borrowed a couple HC-1's for the Keys Boogie last year and it has an option in the menu to convert HDV to DV for display or taping. When you convert the video, it displays it in widescreen. No external devices or computer programs to convert. Great camera! Wish I could afford it right now...