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Everything posted by Bazair2air

  1. And then the final step. When you upload at Target, Walmart etc. you have to make sure to click the "Auto Color Adjust" off or tell them directly that you do not want auto color adjustments. It is on by default on almost all quick print vendors. If you adjust your image the way you want it and then THEY adjust your image, you will never have consistent color on your prints.
  2. Hi Sunnydee, Sorry for the delay. I just ran across this post. I'm not sure about Justin's photos. However, I have posted photos from the last PST event on my site at They include the "Miracle Man" performed by Jeffro. I will also be posting photos from this weekend's PST event. They should be up early next week. Have Fun! Baz
  3. Hi Fast, MB38 is right. That is a pretty tough shot to begin with. Here is a stab at it in PS. Have Fun! Baz
  4. Hi linestretch, I shoot RAW 90% of the time. RAW is the way to go for many situations, but not all. RAW files are very large. If you do a lot of burst shots you will only be able to do approx 6 to 8 shot bursts before the camera has to write the data to the card. (At least that is the way it is with mine) If you need 20 shot bursts, I suggest you go with .jpg. Also data storage can quickly become an issue. My 4GB card will hold about 1,100 large .jpg files. The same card will only hold about 400 RAW files. For viewing and converting RAW files, I use Adobe Bridge/Camera Raw which comes with Photoshop CS2. You can upgrade to PS CS2 for about $150.00. (BTW: Adobe Bridge/CR "Rocks" but it is a computer hog) I bought my upgrade from B&H Photo. Great price and service. If you would like a free RAW conversion program, I suggest RAW Essentials by Pixmantec. There is a video tutorial and download links at: I would not bother to buy the RAW Essentials PRO ($99.00) as Adobe has just purchased Pixmantec and they will most likely be phasing it out. Have Fun! Baz
  5. Nope, sorry. That's not Jimmy. However, you are correct. The left image is H rotated to flow with the set. Have Fun! Baz
  6. I call this one, "Colliding Hearts". Have Fun! Baz
  7. ThePick100.jpg color corrected. Great pics! I don't have any good ones of me. I'm always on the other side of the camera. Have Fun! Baz
  8. Nick, (nicknitro71) I CLEARLY explained to you and Tony, these photos were not to be released by you. DO NOT post another! Baz
  9. Nice! Thanks for the vid, that’s a riot! I wish you could have seen the look on my wife’s face when they hucked you over the edge. It was Priceless! Have Fun! Baz P.S. This sign is posted near the stairwell. We must of missed it.
  10. How about some fun stuff? The sign clearly reads “Rocks”. Nobody said anything about humans That was funny as hell dmcoco84. He actually pulls off a nice gainer after the toss also. Have Fun! Baz
  11. Glad to hear that you are out and doing well. You are the “Miracle Man”!
  12. Bazair2air

    Thanks Abbie

    Hey Abbie! You are a multi talented soul. The happy version rocks! Excellent work! Have you heard any feedback from the local community regarding the ad?
  13. HOLY, WHAT THE?!?! Nawwww! Nobody wants to see video of me for sure! How about stills instead? Have Fun! Baz
  14. This is a site I put together a long time ago. I have just reposted it. Most antenna types have not changed since this was written and can be easily identified on this site. Have Fun! Baz PS: Thanks for the clicky info hookitt
  15. More research is needed. May we see the video of your tandem jump please?
  16. Hi Mark! PM Sent. Thanks Abbie. Baz
  17. Bazair2air


    Hey Jamie! I know you worked real hard on the fundraiser. Great job! And the shirts are kewl too.
  18. That’s not the enemy. That is the kewlest F’N Ranger on the planet! We need more Rangers just like this guy.
  19. Note to self: Read it first, then post it.
  20. Tom is a Bad Ass! He only brought the shotgun so that he could toss it to the Polar Bears. That way, they have a far chance. Looking forward to seeing the footage! What an Awesome Adventure! Go get em Tom! Have Fun! Baz
  21. Bazair2air

    TF Roll Call

    Bill, the video is perfect! I will be there Thursday night. I am bringing a BASE Jumping photo gallery which will be on display at the bridge.
  22. Bazair2air

    Memorial Party

    The Super 8 is a good place to stay. (208-734-5801) They have biscuits and gravy for breakfast. If you mention that you are a BASE jumper, they will give you a discount. How cool is that? Also, I have heard the Holiday Inn is reasonable.
  23. Bazair2air

    Not cool.

    Hey RUC! I understand you're concern. I have never jumped the GM. However, I am curious. How much effort would be involved to take four steps up this hill to pick up the canopy? The sound of a canopy ripping is much worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.
  24. Happy Birthday Matt! Hope your having a great one! Did you get a new helicopter for your birthday? Have Fun! Baz
  25. Hey Martin, it looks like you guys had a great time. The photos are AWESOME! Andreas Rocks!