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tkhayes last won the day on December 25 2024

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  1. Pointing out your hypocrisy is not really agreeing still waiting for a definition of woke after hundreds of pages of woke threads if only you knew what you were all upset about….
  2. Woke is dead but the right wing trolls here cannot stop talking about and then starting new threads because the old ones got stale
  3. You never said anything about the most common weapons, you said you don’t know anyone who wants to carry a stinger, but all you want is to be able to carry whatever weapon you want… So if someone like you wants to carry a stinger… Is that OK or not? Stop acting like a fucking gun nut. or is it just all about you?
  4. we can still hear you are you sound like a gun nut
  5. You don’t know any people that are calling for Stingers but you just want to be able to carry whatever you want? we can fucking hear you here right?
  6. I have an open mind, and luckily I am right all of the time as well
  7. The actual issue becomes…. To which country do you deport US born citizens? Why would those countries accept people who are citizens of another country? the fall of birth right citizenship is not going to happen because it is unenforceable at any level just another trump lie and failed campaign promise that he can blame on the deep state
  8. no mention of gangs. Everything else looks like everywhere else. You like to blame but are pretty short on any ideas for improvement other than ‘responsibilities’ which are only legislated through effective gun laws how do you reduce the death and shooting rates of children in SC? I mean other than moving the goalposts again and talking about gangs? And you make it sound like gang shootings and a suicides do not matter btw I will hold you to providing some data for your claims of gang shootings leading the issue
  9. Nazism is extreme right wing. Communism is extreme left wing political spectrum 101 back to school with you
  10. yeah but those lies and demonizing the opposition is how they eventually get to concentration camps and retraining centers. Seems to be working as far as the stupidity of the group
  11. speaking of lame trolling, re-read your last ten posts. wildly outrageous ideological bullshit claims and backing it up with more wildly outrageous ideological bullshit claim
  12. so once again, POST YOUR SOURCES, YOUR REFERENCES, YOUR DATA.... or shut the fuck up
  13. How about we just ignore the creationists and let BillVon have his goodbye. Every time I want to tell RonD to fuck of i can just do it with a personal message rather than here
  14. No but it is your burden to provide something beyond ridiculous insane rhetoric
  15. You have alternate facts to share with us? Go ahead. I had been asking for decades for ANYshred of statistics from the gun psychos to demonstrate how it helps society in any way