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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. so a republican politician in Florida lied? Say it isn't sooooo!!
  2. all the people arguing about abortion are men - therefore invalid from the get-go now go open a beer, sit down and shut the fuck up. (all you men)
  3. i almost cried laughing.....
  4. everything that you say is right, everything that you say is affected by BUDGET, whether you want it to be or not.
  5. Topeka does not have the money to prosecute spousal abuse cases, so they stopped doing it. i.e. an example of budgetary issues influencing 'right and wrong'
  6. I was not making excuses for the judge or his decision. The TRO should have been issued, maybe I should clarify that. I was however most definitely expressing some possible other cause/effect relationships as to why society makes such decisions, in support of your "gotta love those judges" original post. chill the fuck out. If you think everything is black and white, then you are naive as you assume me to be..... Don't hide behind probably could. If their budget was slashed it was sexism or a faulty grasp of the law say so. If it wasn't, then you're lying. If you're to lazy to check, then just don't fling it out there and hope it sticks. thanks for helping me make my point.
  7. some gear just sucks. some instructors/DZs/whatever also may not know how to properly fit the gear either. Snug yes, take the slack out, but cutting off the circulation is no good either. Positioning of the legstraps is very important as well. around the thigh and under your butt. Last, I expect you are a big guy right? How are the openings. Have to learned to sit up for the opening shock so you do not start off the canopy ride with a painful experience (deployment)? Spending another 4-5 minutes under a parachute that just knocked the shit out of you is usually not pleasant. So too many questions. Your gear, your size, the fit of the container, your experience level, your deployments- all matter.
  8. well probably the local judicial, like everything else has had their budget slashed, so no one to enforce such an order. I am sure that the Judge realizes that too and is probably under a lot of pressures daily to make these decisions. Topeka KS for example. All the money that could be paying for local safety, security and such is being spent daily fighting wars instead. 'Homeland Security' has no meaning at 'home' apparently.
  9. No I don't. Just because you cannot handle the concept of infinity does not mean that I have to also share your views. Your basis is that there was a beginning and therefore a creator of some sort. I have no trouble with the concept that all matter and energy always was, just in different forms. Was there there something before the big bang? Probably, even most definitely. What was? I have no idea but I expect science will get closer to that as time goes on, but probably not in our lifetime.
  10. not necessarily - it could also have be expanding and contracting for all of eternity. To say that 'it clearly...' demonstrates that you are not open to other possibilities. It may not have started from a 'point' i.e. infinity small with infinite mass, but it may simply have been smaller. And who knows, our 'universe' may simply be an atom in yet another larger universe where the people endlessly argue about 'god' and creation and whether or not Horton heard the Who.....
  11. $5 says Romney gets the nomination....
  12. bunk argument(s), sorry. Except that there is real evidence of the big bang, whereas there is NO evidence of God. The big bang is only partly elusive - we are closing in on it every day. in other words, PROGRESS is being made. Religion is attempting to keep us in the dark about the origins of the universe with no real stated purpose for doing that. Science is in its infancy, but it is still growing and willing to scrap the old theories when the evidence no longer supports it as well as modify and develop new theories as the evidence is gathered. We have physically only travelled to the moon, but obviously you missed the stories of the Pioneer program nor do you realize the usefulness of radio telescopes in seeing into the depths of the universe. Change the definition of god all you want to fit your arguments, but the fact is that the Christian religion, as a whole, does not subscribe to anything other than the dogmatic 'fact' that the world is 6000 years old. Science has proven that wrong. period. As for 'sarcasm' being the lowest form of wit, that is an opinion, but it comes from the 'highest' form of intelligence, hence my basis that sarcasm is actually the highest form of wit. No one likes having it used against them.
  13. A classic, I have not seen it since the early 80's I think...
  14. bad news for republicans: Your choices appear to be: And after all the "we're not far enough to the right" tea-party bollocks that we have been listening to - you will all decide to choose Romney, who is about as left as you can get in the Republican party.
  15. His name is Pat Condell and it is comedy. He is British, so his use of sarcasm is not actually ignorance, it is something the English have mastered over centuries and perhaps one of the highest forms of humor (IMO). It is also as funny as fuck. And within that fantastic sarcasm, he makes some really good points. Mainly how fucked up the world is on account of religion. Check him out on YouTube, he has a massive following.
  16. your canopy is 15 years old. It was not a great canopy even in its day. Upgrade. We have learned a lot since 1996.
  17. We are already trying the different approach (privatization) and I am arguing that it is no better, and possibly worse. no argument from me, but we are not. Plenty of models out there that work better but as Americans, we refuse to believe that any other country could show us how to do it better and we continue to do it 'our way' despite the obvious failures. And we continue to move in directions that no one else is moving in despite their lower crime & incarceration rates. Also terribly 'American'. If private prisons are publicly traded, then the reward is profit, not a reduction in crime or the other admirable goals that you mention. period. Un-list them from the stock exchange and you might be able to legislate some goals for them. But then they do not necessarily become a profit center anymore, they become a government contractor or subsidiary or 'institution'....not based on profit - oh wait - that is what I am advocating anyway, that prisons should be a government entity. also period. Yes what we have could be improved. What we will have if we privatize the majority of it will be a cluster fuck that we cannot afford to buy our way out of when it becomes unmanageable and the cost goes through the roof, both financially and the cost to society in the human damage.
  18. yes, the economy is in the toilet - we have a crook for Gov., education is shit here, and the Florida govt is debating whether or not we should be tossing dwarves and whether doctors can talk about guns or not. Everyone thinks Texas is fucked up? The only thing holding Florida from imploding is tourism. If it was not for tourism dollars and beaches, I think Florida would be in the 20's still.
  19. While we are at it, let's continue to privatize child welfare as well. Hell we have pretty much 'privatized' the legislative system anyway....
  20. No more 'out there' than the Tea party's plans for the country, Perry, Bachman and many like them. radical is radical
  21. If that translates into better education, then great. If it does not, then what is the point....?
  22. I made no such claim. you inferred it. So I will infer that you assume that as long as we are just slightly better than 'communism,', then it must be OK. It is still wrong. I am not talking about communist regimes. I am talking about American society and the problem with privatizing the prison system. So honestly - stop trying to find the stats, they are useless in the argument. I am not interested in death penalty, not communism. I am looking into why we somehow need to privatize the prison system and thus perhaps open the door to corruption and greed driving he prison system instead of rehab and punishment.
  23. I'm pretty sure that unjustly imprisoning people in any ideology is still WRONG. Not to mention that you have offered no statistics to back your claim. You actually have no idea, but I am equally as sure as you are that privatizing prisons will INCREASE the number of people unjustly imprisoned.
  24. Are u assuming that this immigration bill will stop or even 'slow down' that?
  25. you're right, the system is infallible..... all works great until someone gets greedy - which is usually what happens inevitably when capitalism is introduced to the equation. No of course it is not 'all' like that, but it gives the prison owners a great incentive to MAINTAIN a prison population. If the government is running the prisons, their goal is to 'empty' the prisons. The motivation for prisons should not be profit - it is a social equation oh there I go again, talking about the good of mankind over the economy - what was I thinking.....