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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. In Canada a long long time ago, we were taught some numbers and had to manually calculate freefall times. It takes 1483 feet to reach terminal of 120MPH, which takes 12 seconds. 120MPH is 176 ft/sec. So if you jump from 13500', and you open at 2500', then you fell 11,000'. 11,000' -1483' = 9517' 9517/176 = 54 seconds Add the 12 seconds to reach terminal and you get 66 total seconds. If you jump at higher elevations and/or high altitudes, you would do an adjustment for about 10% of the freefall time. We also used it to work backwards, i.e. the old student days had us doing a lot of shorter delays for progression, like 10's, 15, 20's, etc. So as a student, who has to do a 20 second delay, opening at 3500', you would take the 12 seconds-to-termial out of the 20 total seconds, leaving 8 seconds 8 sec * 176ft/sec = 1408' 1408 + 1483 + 3500 = 6391 So a 20 second delay opening at 3500' would take 6500' altitude and that is what you would ask the Cessna pilot to give you. I still use these numbers and I still teach them to (most of) my students. It is good to have something in your heard other than the piece of technology to tell you what is going on, and to have verification of what the 'little beepy device' is telling you.
  2. Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe (2000) Students may not use a school's loudspeaker system to offer student-led, student-initiated prayer. Before football games, members of the student body of a Texas high school elected one of their classmates to address the players and spectators. These addresses were conducted over the school's loudspeakers and usually involved a prayer. Attendance at these events was voluntary. Three students sued the school arguing that the prayers violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. A majority of the Court rejected the school's argument that since the prayer was student initiated and student led, as opposed to officially sponsored by the school, it did not violate the First Amendment. The Court held that this action did constitute school-sponsored prayer because the loudspeakers that the students used for their invocations were owned by the school. Bottom line is that prayer in schools is NOT allowed, student led or otherwise. You can argue all you want about restaurants, cafes, your house, my house, whatever. The thread is about prayer in SCHOOL, just like prayer at City Council meetings. It is banned. It is banned if led by clergy, led by government officials, led by other people at the said function or event. The fact that people continue to do it, does not make it legal, nor right, and I will continue to support the ban of prayer at any government function, including congress, schools, council, state and local governments. There are all kinds of abuses of power by politicians at every level of government. The fact that Congress/Senate/Mayors/Commissioners say prayers is nothing short of obscene and an abuse of the powers of their office.
  3. Sadly, lead work best. Kind of like burning gasoline in internal combustion engines works best. There are alternatives but then the problems, like steel shot, are more wounded birds, 'cause it doesn't carry the punch that lead does. And the concentration of hunting in certain areas. 100 hunters on one piece of bog in one day, all emptying a box of shells does not help. I expect that if all the lead we dumped into the environment from bullets and shot was equally distributed around the wilderness, we probably would not even notice the effects. I think the concentrations are a problem, but who knows. Solution? I do not have one.
  4. well given that my point was made with a more comprehensive answer that the tiny snippet that you took out of it, then yes I would expect a more comprehensive answer from someone as talented as you. but if that is all you got, then I am Ok with that.
  5. I forgive you, but I will never forget. You showed your true colors, and exactly what i would expect from a right-wing Christian zealot, which further bolsters my case that religion should be nowhere near government - ever, not ever, not for any reason - ever.
  6. perhaps you could expand on the 'traitorous behavior'. Behavior and free speech are two different things. If I sent money to the Taliban, that is one thing. Making a sarcastic remark in response to your rhetoric is called free speech and protected under the constitution. And supporting a man who is innocent until actually CHARGED AND FOUND GUILTY of something is also supported by our Constitution and well within my rights. Sorry that it pisses you off, but it still makes your actions reprehensible. I spoke. You took action. Bite me. besides, if you were the true Christian that you claim over and over to be, you would FORGIVE me.
  7. and your point is....? such intricate detail, how could I ever manage to combat such a foe with such comprehensive arguments...?
  8. you just did. Does the Bible also instruct you to go out of your way to 'screw' people and businesses behind their back? And you know exactly what I am talking about. It's OK Ron, I know who you are and what you represent - and you know who I am and what I represent, and I doubt we will ever see eye to eye. As long as you keep your frickin' religion out of my government, we might actually get along, despite our differences.
  9. no, I know that, but you did 'generalize' that anger was coming from the atheists and not from the Christians.....I do not see it that way
  10. The flagellum bacteria argument has been shot down over and over again - do you ever read anything other that the biblical websites that talk about that? Just google it and you will find the dozens of countering arguments and other similar bacteria that have similar parts that serve NO function whatsoever, even though they exist. The flagellum argument would then say that everything has a purpose, except for all these other microbes that have all the same parts but no purpose. whatever. I am arguing with someone who fails to look at both sides of an argument before making an informed decision. Instead your mind is made up and you then only go to source the information and exclusively the information that supports your argument. That might be great 'faith', but it's pretty poor science.
  11. who is demonstrating hate? I am advocating (and always have) no religion in government, that is all. If you state that you believe in something, i am allowed to criticize it. I have made no threats and no hatred against anyone. I most definitely will comment when the logic does not add up that the person apparently has no argument. Wanna see hate? Take a look at RodD and his rants about killing people in the name of God.
  12. INCORRECT. I assume no design, just combinations of mass and energy that have probably always existed. THAT is the assumption that i will admit - not your 'presumption' of my 'assumption', thanks very much. If you want to know what I am thinking, you only have to ask.
  13. You 'assume' design, and therefore assume a designer. The is no evidence of either.
  14. Jump out of an airplane without a parachute. As longn as you don't believe in gravity, you'll be alright. Right? Stand out in the middle of a busy street as long as you don't believe in big trucks. You'll be alright. Right? The light in the tunnel is either going to be the light at the end or an oncoming train. It will either "free your mind" and lead you to the truth....or squash you like a bug. One way or the other, however, you will meet the train. Your conscience informs you of this. You won't admit it but you know (because the rest of us all do) that lying is wrong. Have you lied? "All liars will have their part in the lake of fire." What you're doing now is dancing around inside of the plane with the music blaring, having a great time, about to jump out without your parachute on. You have no idea when that "green light" is going to come on. I hope you can do better than that. Probably the lamest argument I have ever heard, and I would expect to hear from an 8 year old, not an educated person. Gravity and mass/energy have actually been proven beyond all reasonable doubt. fairy tales have not. get real. With stuff like that, all you do is make our position stronger and stronger.
  15. yep, i am soooo disappointed. I am living the dream doing what i love best. i have more friends than any human could ask for. I will die today, or I will die tomorrow, and I will die happy and complete. And you think i am disappointed. Well, i am REALLY BROKEN UP about what you think of me Ron. some great stuff here....
  16. not all at - we have better things to do with our time that is all.
  17. really ? I had no trouble understanding EXACTLY what he was saying. The deficiency must be you - but again instead of attacking the point he made, you decided to attack his language. great job (again) - now go tell me to move back to Canada again....
  18. you forgot hatred, denial, crusading, witch-burning, child molestation, torture, and self-righteousness to name a few. Religion would be near perfect and EVERYONE would buy into it if it only had the traits that you describe. But sadly it does not.
  19. which again makes 'god' one of the most arrogant fucks the world has ever seen. self centered egotistical asshole, who I will not bow down to, thank you very much; because I am a free man, and apparently that 'freedom of choice' was granted to me by that same 'god'. He can kiss my ass.
  20. this applies to you to as well, every time you speak, all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher. I'm a Christian.. no, I'M a Christian... No really , I am a true Christina... no, no you are mistaken, I AM a true Christian... May 21 came and went, all the Christians can shut the fuck up.
  21. I switching to Buddhism so I can reincarnated and fuck this end of the world shit....
  22. and the latest news from Robert Gates: "Somebody" in Pakistan knew Osama bin Laden was hiding there.. How much does this guy make? His brilliance 'overwhelms' me....
  23. yep, the bastion of scientific study. In what journals has it been published (Other than other contributors to The explanation of Photosynthesis is not too bad, given my limited biological knowledge, but I love how the article explains photosynthesis, and then wraps it up by saying: I prefer to put my faith in the Word of the living God who says, “‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so.” without one grain of evidence to support how Genesis accomplishes photosynthesis, other than is SIMPLY DOES.... just goes to show that almost any nutjob can get a Phd.