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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. the world is filled with radicals trying to take over the world and we cannot fight them all - ignoring them might actually work better given that the security level is still 'yellow' or 'orange' whatever, the trillion we have spent already does not appear ot have done fuck all. so instead of calling names- maybe you could back up your point with something substantial......
  2. Somewhat (extremely) delusional to think that the US is going to be taken over by anyone other than fundamentalist right wing Christians
  3. can't wait to see what they dig up now..... War is hell - all the more reason why we should be avoiding it at all cost, rather than 'defending ourselves' at a ll cost......
  4. I am sending her campaign some money - in hopes that she keeps talking. The more she opens her mouth, the fewer people that will vote the GOP back in......
  5. I said what I said, just like Ron said what Ron said you are free to misinterpret it any way you want, just like you are suggesting that I am.... I call it like I see it.
  6. more bigot than homophobic, but it is pretty obvious when people hide behind some other crap to try and sustain their argument(s).... Again, I call it like I see it
  7. Sorry Ron, I call it like i see it - I read your other posts too - and it is/was clear as a bell.....
  8. and your post just above: just demonstrates that you are actually the 'homophobic bigot' but just pretending to be something else.....kinda like most Christians.....
  9. if you take the article, remove the references to Muslim, Islam, and such, replace them with Christian and Christianity and such, change the references to the West and replace them with the Middle East, I expect you get just as credible an article...... Christians in the world, and especially fundamentalists in this country have been conspiring to 'take over the world' for at least half a century or more. for that matter, since long before the days of the British Empire, the Christians have been marching on the world.
  10. when is Z-Hills getting trashed?
  11. tkhayes

    Closed MRI

    I usually sleep through the MRIs I have had.
  12. try once to fix it, try twice to fix it, go immediately to plan B, cutaway and reserve. For a student - that is about all they need to know
  13. bullshit. It won't be a 'world war', it will simply be USA vs. 'the world' once the rest of the world decides that they have had enough of America's imperialist self-serving bullshit.
  14. there will be a mix of coach and solo jumps as yu progress to your license. The key thing is to always knock something off your license Proficiency card on every jump, even the solo jumps. Make sure you make some dive plan with the help of a coach or instructor to work on Canopy, Freefall, or other skills. If you do a coach jump, then they should behelping you to knock off several things on your card each time as well, or they are not earning their pay. Keep good records in your logbook of what you did and when and details. And you will likely end up with your license requirements finished by jump 23 or 24
  15. Bob filmed me and Evelyn Drake on a tandem in 1994 at Quincy. Evelyn was 89 years old and I was scared shitless. Bob was great and taught me a lot about doing tandem videos in just a few days that i knew him there.
  16. charging extra for weight can also be construed as "If you pay me more money, I am willing to take greater risks with your safety" Stop doing it. Stick to the limits of the equipment and understand that some people should not be skydiving.
  17. Threads about things that annoy you....
  18. see the article "Skills Checklist for Downsizing Canopies"
  19. regardless of the costs, most Americans are fed up with not having 'health care' and/or not being able to afford it. Of course the government, rather than go far enough, makes concessions and passes laws to make everyone buy 'health insurance' - two different things. They should have gone the whole way - Medicare for all at the minimum. In two year, we w would all be used to it and we would be all paying for it and all getting better 'health care'
  20. but don't forget, if we lower taxes for them, then they will repay the favor by hiring us for jobs and such. "No poor guy ever gave me a job" "Lower taxes create growth" we have some of the lowest taxes in the world, the largest deficits, and we still have rampant unemployment and you are right - the rich just keep getting richer and richer. time to stop it. Re-enact the taxes on the rich (and the middle class too) and get the deficit paid off. We have been on a drunken party for 30 years now and the hangover is coming. I would rather get it over with.... and even after we tax then to 50-70%, they will STILL be the richest people in the country.
  21. the second one was the Orlando World Center Marriott just this past April for Bombardier (obviously). The first was Bruce Robertson and Kevin Killan in Grand Bend Ontario in the summer of 1988, landing on the beach. one of the best pictures I ever took.
  22. Drumheller, Alberta - wow, what a dive, And that rat-hole I stayed in from time to time in Grand Bend, Ontario, with the screaming drunk bitch at 3am banging on my door (she had the wrong room), then the water pouring in thru the ceiling from the room above while I was trying to eat my breakfast.
  23. and some describe the Catholic church as an 'organized crime syndicate', me included
  24. your rant is out to lunch..... Bottom line is that benefits and insurance money are being paid out. There are many vehicles by which those payments can be made. They have a 'standard' method unless you request otherwise. There are options. It's like saying that my car mechanic is at fault because he does not fully divulge every possibility of what might be wrong with my car and every possible option of how it might be fixed and therefore somehow is negligently culpable in the repairs of my car. I am completely capable of asking the questions that satisfy my needs. If some people are not, well, too frickin bad - Prudential is not stealing anyone's money, it is all there. hundreds of civil suits, insurance deals, death benefits, policy payments are handed out daily in this country in exactly the same way and have been for decades. If there was something 'so horribly wrong' with it, then Congress probably would have changed the rules by now.