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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. I did not know the numbers actually mattered.... we did 76053 tandems by 2pm.
  2. in fact they rock so much, that I get to teach a ground school (first one in a couple years), basically let them run the DZ while I am tied up doing that, they get all the tandems done by 2pm, get all the AFFs in the air, allow me the time to take my para friend on his 23rd tandem, his girlfriend on her first, then get to the end of the day - shut the DZ down, and I still manage to get home at a decent hour (6:30pm), hang a ceiling fan, let the dogs out and cook some dinner before 9pm and enjoy a drink of really good scotch. Everything was done and taken care of. my staff rocks. thank you all...... TK Z-Hills
  3. you can't get voted in the White House without being a believer. If you 'came out' after the fact, then you would be impeached as a liar. But we did elect a black man, and that would not have been possible 50 years ago. so you never know. I just want all the Christians to fuck off and stay the hell away from me, keep that crap out of my schools, my government. The older I get, the less tolerant I get of what religion brings to the world - child molestation, thievery, fear, persecution, war, all the things that we would expect from 'regular folk' oh yes, I forgot, they are all actually 'regular folk', no better than any of us. If they just directed all their 'good stuff' to solving the world's problems, think of how far ahead we could be.
  4. the resurrection was most likely a grave robbery, or followers that took his body to hide it for fear of desecration. the 'bodily resurrection' of Jesus Christ, while accepted as a known fact within the Christian community, is far from ANY fact when exposed to any level of scrutiny by someone with a grain of common sense. and thus it all falls on its face...... but of course, you would disagree......
  5. It is about the only legit organization I have found in the USA so far that has any clout, or at least is trying hard. $40/year, good newsletter every month, actively trying to keep religion out of 'our' normal lives, our schools, our government. All sounds good to me.
  6. TK's 7/7 note "Live well, get an education, do something that you enjoy doing, make some money doing it if you can, try to leave the world a better place than you left it, and be kind to others." I could come up with more, All done without ANY Christian or Biblical influence......
  7. your argument would be fine if and only if, everyone could afford health insurance like you have or like you can get. the fact is that many cannot, at any price. or they have pre-existing conditions, or whatever. I have been over the issues so many times in so many different threads that I am actually tired of posting it. for every 'perfect scenario' that you can post about yourself, I can post 10 about others, including myself, where your 'prefect scenario' neither exists nor would be available any ANY cost. To say that one should 'work harder' to afford health insurance is naive. My health insurance is $850/month for my wife and I . I have shopped around. THe best I got offered was $200/month for a policy that covers NOTHING. or $1200/month for basically what I have now. If you had to pay $1200/month for yourself, would you do it 'just because'? would you take a second job if it was $5000/month or $10,000/month? The reality is that people out there actually get quotes like that. No 'average guy' can afford that. healthcare is important. no one went bankrupt, lost their house and everything they have in life because they were hungry. I bought a guy a bag of groceries the other day because he said he could not feed his family. I cannot offer to buy the procedure for the guy who needs cancer surgery. But society as a whole CAN actually do that. Just like I cannot afford an AC130 gunship to protect the country, but society as a whole CAN afford to buy one to protect us all. apples and oranges, the food/healthcare debate is not actually a debate, the two items are mutually exclusive and different in so many ways that I cannot even begin to describe here.
  8.,8599,1893946,00.html results look fairly positive to me - I bet they are saving a bunch of money on jails and spending a bunch on rehab. I bet the rehab costs a lot less than jail. in more ways than just $$
  9. yes please - how did this turn into a base discussion? let's talk about drugs - I am for decriminalizing it all - what we have does not work - try something different - ANYTHING. of course it will never get past the religious right wing, afterall, THEIR kids don't do drugs.... and therefore no one should.....
  10. Remington makes a 20 gauge youth model in their pump. smaller overall gun, ideal for a lot of women. shorter barrel, you can sling it with one hand. I think it would be ideal.
  11. jesus christ - the news is already bad enough - now we will have to listen to this, the funeral(s), the lawsuits, the family issues, for fucking months. Michael Jackson was a fucking freak. Bury his ass and be done with it. Someone tell me when the news stories are over with 'cause I ain't turning on the news until it is done with.....
  12. absolutely right - I get a lot of canned responses as well. and of course you cannot 'reply' to them. I sometimes cut and paste their response back into their email system thru or whatever vehicle they use and then take apart their response with my added comments again. Usually then I get a response from a staffer, instead of their canned response again. squeaky wheel - and there is plenty to squeak about.....
  13. and as a further note- i do actually write my senators and congressmen and women every week on these issues and tell them to get some balls and make some change. I wonder if anyone else does.....
  14. the president is pretty much revolutionary. His ideals are lofty and his visions are high up there. Healthcare, global warming, bail-outs, everything you talk about- the President can only influence. CONGRESS writes the laws and generally fucks it all up trying to be everything to everyone. we meet halfway on everything, meaning nothing get s changed in a revolutionary way. If you want revolutionary, then elect revolutionary congressmen and senators.
  15. tkhayes


    Commercial multi engine land - limited - meaning no Instrument rating so I cannot fly passengers at night or more than 25nm (or 50 - I can't remember) funny thing is I can fly a Twin Otter with jumpers on board, but I am not allowed to fly jumpers in a C182.....
  16. my grandfathers brother died in Belgium in WWI, fighting with the Newfoundland Regiment. My grandfather was also shot by a passing airplane and spent a couple years over there I think. He never talked about it much until he was about 75 years old. Wish he was still around to tell me those stories again.
  17. since when do you need any makeup - you look great the way you are.....
  18. fixed that for you - and this is only your opinion. which you are entitled to. i do not adhere to it, nor do I agree with it.
  19. Used to support itself? So the book is right because the book says it is right? Wow, that is some solid evidence. And we are not in a shell of ignorance. We ask "WHY?" and we expect an answer. We do not 'assume' anything.
  20. Which version should we use?
  21. I agree. The reason would be sperm and an egg getting together about 49 years ago......
  22. nice try Ron, your 'opinion' as you would say - not a shred of 'data'
  23. And I would disagree with you. I am not 'religious', but I would use other words to describe what you are trying to describe. The thread is not about 'skydiving religion' it is about CHRISTIAN religion (and how fucked up it is in my opinion) I love it when religious people try to tell us non-religious people that we are still religious. How dare you speak of my own personal belief structure like you know me or something......
  24. a great review - but a city or municipality can still make your life difficult. we pay a fee at Z-Hills that no one else pays on the airport and they are allowed to do that. Even with the equality of equal access to an airport, the airport can tack on a tax or fee, usage fees, etc But access is the main issue for sure. Everyone needs to stay on top of that with your local communities.