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Everything posted by tkhayes

  1. SHOW US please that research that shows that people are dying while waiting for treatment in Canada (any more than anywhere else in the world or in the USA) It is one of the biggest lies in the fight against universal healthcare. If people are dying in Canada waiting for care, then how is it my Mom managed to get a couple knees replacements done in Canada in the past 6 months? I would think (from your statement) all those doctors must be working double time trying to save the 'dying masses' and apparently failing miserably. Now stop your bullshit before this thread goes off the rails again with stats that cannot be supported. Healthcare is a right - in most places in the world EXCEPT the USA. The Constitution has been changed some 27 times since it was written so it ain't perfect either. So just 'cause it ain't in the Constitution does not mean shit. Universal healthcare will happen in this country in my lifetime, whether you want it to or not. It is called progress. And if the Constitution needs to be amended - then that will happen as well. You will spend less money in taxes than you do in health insurance, and you will get 'good' healthcare. And yes, people will still die waiting for things that are not available, and people will still die because they are fat, and people will still die in ER's, and people will still die despite our best efforts to save them. All that happens today in the US, in Canada, and in every country in the world. The difference is that no one will go bankrupt just because they had a car accident or fell down the fucking stairs.
  2. Al MacDonald in Canada at Flying High Manufacturing, Claresholm, Alberta. Not sure if he has a website. makes a great training vest. I think Henri Pohjolainen at also made some for us once
  3. we do that with chickens pigs and cattle EVERY DAY in the USA. Accept that fact or stop eating meat......
  4. not at all, but if someone decks someone over it, then I fire their ass and/or call the cops - that is what I mean by drawing the line. If I fire them, it is my problem. If I call the cops, it is NOT my problem. Either way, I dealt with it appropriately.
  5. no secret at all, it is a standard FInancial report, required by law, with what items in it that have to be in it. USPA financials are completely transparent, and anytime you want to look att he budget, I bet you can. Anytime you want to see the financial report, I bet you can. Just because you do not know how to read said financial report - is not USPA's problem. Wiki it and learn how to read it. If you have specific questions about what items are int he report, I bet the headquarters staff would answer that for you. When was the last time you called USPA to gett he report?
  6. A single action by USPA that made your $50/year worthwhile. If we flew under part 125, jumps would be $40/jump instead of $25-$27 they are today out of anything bigger than a Caravan or Porter. This is one of the major reasons that USPA exists and one of the major reasons that $100/year membership would actually be worthwhile given the state of the FAA, TSA, DOT etc today. If you think that you can 'go-it-alone' in taking on the FAA, then be my guest. Or perhaps you are just happy with doing hop 'n' pops from your friends Cessan 172 for the rest of your skydiving career. 'nuff said
  7. As a DZO, no one likes to have assholes around, but there are plenty of them. 'business' says to try to handle all your customers and keep them happy most of the time. On a personal level, when someone becomes too much of an asshole, then it is not worth it to try and keep them around. One customer versus 20 of them. And 5% of the people often occupy 80% of your time. Cut your losses. But I also 'occasionally' object to people coming to me with these personal issues. "So-and-so got drunk and got into a fight with so-and-so". Then CALL THE POLICE! That's what they are for. When crimes are committed, the DZO can only do so much. We have agencies in place to deal with child neglect, alcoholism, drug abuse, crime, theft, etc. The DZO can only do so much, and should be expected to only do so much. It is much easier for a DZO to ban someone from the dropzone AFTER they have been charged, arrested, whatever. Then when people complain and say "Why did you kick so-and-so off the dropzone? He/She is my buddy..." then you have good reason to. They got their ass arrested and apparently have done some crime so you don't want them around. I realize that it is a community and I get involved almost daily with people's personal issues (and I will continue to do so), but the line has to be drawn somewhere where it is no longer my problem. If you got into a fight at Wal-Mart in the parking lot, and some guy beat the crap out of you, you would not go to the Wal-Mart manager to complain. You would go to the police.
  8. I finished my Multi-engine commercial rating on Wednesday and flew my first solo Twin Otter loads at Z-Hills today - BEER!.... TK
  9. change will come from the congress more than the president. while Bush fucked it up 'all by himself', he actually had a lot of support and help. When was the last time you railed at your senators and congressmen/women? I do it all the time. Real change requires the senate and congress.
  10. I did change the channel, and as far as free speech goes - shut the fuck up!!
  11. yep, those PETA folks and those Greepeace folks are always out there blowing up buildings and killing people - the left wing environmentalist/extremist label is way stretched to be calling it terrorism - most of their acts are against corporations, not people. And they seldom bring harm to anyone. Bombs rarely used, etc. I google'd for (recent) examples of left wing terrorist acts in the USA that killed people and could not find any.
  12. "Mr. Bush, Shut the fuck up!" my $0.02 worth TK
  13. same people that I hated before. Right wing conservative Christians that are trying to fuck up my country by spewing rhetoric into the government and school systems. Right wing neo-conservatives that propagate hate around the world, start wars, perpetuate the wars that are already ongoing. Right wing fuckups in the government that block sensible bills from going through - bills that might help all Americans instead of just corporations.
  14. A couple good articles already published about the Sabre 2 by the manufacturer. The flight characteristics say that it is normal not to be able to stall the larger models. there you go, read and learn from the people that built it.
  15. When I was growing up in Canada, (30-40 years ago), we used 'Paki' daily. It was 'racist' I guess, but has become much more so in later years. My grandmother said nigger like it was nothing. And you know what? She was not racist. She might have been pretty ignorant of those things, but growing up in Newfoundland, I saw maybe 2 black people in my life there. So ignorance was the key, not hatred. I am not a racist, but I use derogatory terms (sometimes), usually in jokes. but that is it - it is a JOKE, not 'stating the fact that I hate you because of your race, color, whatever' I find it amusing that we train the military to go kill these people, but then we are offended if we call them names before we kill them.
  16. drunk riggers, drunk doctors, drunk car mechanics, drunk musicians, drunk firewood delivery guys, drunk carpet installers and drunk skydivers. I have dealt with them all, most I told to piss off. If you do not want to, then don't. pretty simple really.
  17. I also used to send comments to my reps/senators, etc. Not a bad idea either. Maybe we get more people pissed off about it if they see the local impact. TK -------------------------------------- Thank you for using Mail System. Message sent to the following recipients: Senator Martinez Senator Nelson Representative Brown-Waite Message text follows: January 9, 2009 [recipient address was inserted here] [recipient name was inserted here], Docket No. TSA-2008-0021 from the TSA is a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would require many of the 'security audits' performed in airports and commercial flights to be implemented on General Aviation flights for aircraft over 12500lbs. This would require no-fly lists and such to be used for any flight on such an aircraft and put an undue burden on an aspect of aviation that has already been hit hard by the 9/11 aftermath of regulations. I run a skydiving business in Zephyrhills, FL, and I regularly bring in specialty aircraft for jump operations. These airplanes fly up to 20 loads a day when they are here and they fall under the weight of >12500lbs defined in this new TSA rule. With this rule, I would be required to scan no-fly lists (at the very least) for EVERY LOAD of jumpers at my facility. I would also be required to implement very expensive auditing systems to comply with TSA rules. In other words, I would no longer be able to bring in these aircraft, effectively shutting down much of my business each year. They are recreational skydivers, not passengers traveling from point A to B and they have no interest, ability or opportunity to 'hijack' an airplane for a terrorist operation. Rules like this are plain stupid. They fix nothing. They 'solve a problem' that does not exist, even the TSA admits that in the NPRM. Why must we be subjected, as Americans, in a free country to rules that do nothing but cramp and shut down parts of my business and take away basic human rights from my customers? Stop this silliness before we sink deeper into a police state and completely shut down my business. I generate $2.5M annually in business, drive another $10-$15M each year in the local economy in hotels, food and entertainment, and employ directly and indirectly about 50 people. We are one of the good guys. Rules like this do nothing but stop my business from existing, and for no good reason. Shut down the TSA Docket TSA-2008-0021 (please) Sincerely, David Hayes David Hayes sent this message via, which uses the Capwiz·XC system. is a free public service of Capitol Advantage and Knowlegis, LLC. You may access here: -----------------------------------------
  18. This needs to be on the front burner again. I just emailed it to 1300 of our customers, but we need people to write their representatives and such about this, as well as comment on the docket itself. Stupid rules require OVERWHELMING responses from the general public. Here's what I sent out, pass it on...... __________________________________________ Hey folks - something I wanted to ask all of you to consider and look at. As we all know, the TSA was formed after the 9/11 attacks to oversee transportation security and all that. Now they want to implement a rule that will make it very difficult to skydive out of any larger aircraft, like Casa's, DC-3, Caribous, C-130's, anything over 12500lbs. If this rule (Docket No. TSA-2008-0021) goes into effect, then every time we jump out of a larger aircraft in the USA, we would basically be required to go through the same security checks as you would for any charter or scheduled flight anywhere else in the USA. That means, security screening, passenger security checks, matching names with 'no-fly lists' and so on. And we would have to do that for EVERY load, not just people in general or a Boogie in general. We fly Twin Otters, which do not fall into that category, but if you ever want to jump from a specialty aircraft again in the USA, then I hope you will take the time to write and comment on this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has a good lot of information with step by step instructions on how to comment on it. They even provide some information on some of the arguments to use. Basically this will make general aviation more difficult for a lot of people, it is unnecessary intrusion into our lives, and the gain is very little, given that general aviation has not been involved in any acts of terrorism, including 9/11 itself. Go to AOPA's page and follow the steps. At the bottom of that page are some other helpful links. The good news is that the TSA is required to respond to all comments, so the more they get, the better our chances of NOT seeing this rule enacted. Please write - it is important for the future of skydiving that we help stop 'stupid rules' TK Hayes DZO Skydive City
  19. Deland has a Skyvan and when you get bored there, you can come to Z-Hills for some fun
  20. For fuck's sake stop posting crap like this and then you will not get slagged the way you do.....
  21. OK so much for the recession....... 586 loads 11641 jumps Load Organizers did 460 jumps The Fins did 1811 jumps and the Canadian group did some 750 jumps. We have over 20 countries here. My staff busted ass for 2 weeks straight and I want to thanks all of them and all of you for coming out to the Boogie. I am tired, going back to bed now...... TK
  22. New Year's Eve, burning cars, fireworks, 911 calls, drunkenness, music, more 911, firetrucks, police wow, doesn't get much better than that.....!
  23. read and learn..... If you get a chance come to Z-Hills and I will go over the seminar with you